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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Advent – A time of reflection

Thursday, December 22, 2016 4:54
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As we move through this advent in preparation for the birth of Jesus, let us remember what a not-to-be-missed treasure the natural season of Advent can be, when the “nascent light” inside each of us can turn to, and answer, the promises of light surrounding us everywhere in the December dark — the whisper of candlelight from darkened windows, the blue-black light of dusk against the silhouetted trees of winter.

This is Advent — when, as sleepers, we awaken to our own light of love, deep within us, waiting to be reborn again in the dark stables of our own souls.

Source:A Design So Vast, Lindsey Mead speaks to the nascent light of her own inner longing as Solstice approached, and offers a meditation by author Meg Casey that captures the hushed beauty of December here

December is a holy month. Maybe it is the dark, silky silence that descends so early that speaks to me of reverence. Maybe it is the promise that December holds — that no matter how dark, how cold, how empty it can get, the light is coming back. Something always shifts in me when December arrives — I embrace the darkness, and am eager for the coming solstice when the whole world is still and holds its breath, waiting to be reborn again.

The following is a pensive piece, as we reflect upon the season.

Filed under: Religion Tagged: advent, Christmas, winter solstice, yule


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