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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Obama finalizes Social Security gun ban ‘rule’

Monday, December 26, 2016 5:21
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(Before It's News)

Obama is dropping a whole lot of goodies down our chimney before he exits. As if selling Israel down the tubes at the UN with the latest abstention vote wasn’t enough to rile us, let’s tool up the gun rights folks. Of course SS folks are in the news everyday, brandishing their weapons. I was chewing on raw hide all weekend wanting to post this but did not in respect for Christmas. Here tis:

On Monday the Obama administration finalized a Social Security gun ban that could prevent “tens of thousands” of law-abiding elderly citizens from purchasing guns for self-defense.

The Los Angeles Times reported that the ban would be sweeping; that it would cover those who are unable to manage their own affairs for a multitude of reasons–from “subnormal intelligence or mental illness” to “incompetency,” an unspecified “condition,” or “disease.”

Current law prohibits individuals from buying a gun if, because of a mental health issue, they are either a danger to themselves or others or are unable to manage their own affairs. The Social Security Administration (SSA) has indicated that it will begin the rulemaking process to ensure that appropriate information in its records is reported to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). The reporting that SSA, in consultation with the Department of Justice, is expected to require will cover appropriate records of the approximately 75,000 people each year who have a documented mental health issue, receive disability benefits, and are unable to manage those benefits because of their mental impairment, or who have been found by a state or federal court to be legally incompetent. The rulemaking will also provide a mechanism for people to seek relief from the federal prohibition on possessing a firearm for reasons related to mental health.

More at Breitbart

Filed under: Gun Control Tagged: gun rights, NRA, Second amendment, Social Security


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