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RT (Russian Television) censors, cancels “Christmas”

Monday, December 26, 2016 10:33
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(Before It's News)

Where did the “Good News” go RT (Russian Television)??  Only a “dead” Christmas tree
was shown this year.  What is going on at RT?  Did RT cave in to ISIS pressure and threats?
Despite numerous attempts to reach out to RT, RT failed to respond.

Past years, RT has reported the “Good News” of Christmas. Even MSM reported the “Good News”. This is a huge change from past years where RT reported on good news such as
The Pope celebrates Christmas, gives mass.”, and the news of Christian pilgrimage to Bethlehem,
the Birthplace of Jesus. Or the news fact of over 1 Billion Christians world wide were celebrating Christmas and the Birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior of the Christian Faith.
Or even just a plain, simple, “Merry Christmas”. Gone.

What is going on with RT? Were they on the “Hit List” recently put out by ISIS?
Did the assassination of two (2) Russian Diplomats make all at RT afraid for their own lives?
Did RT cancel Christmas for any other unknown reason?
Why won’t RT respond? What do you think? Is RT playing Politics?
Try sending an email to [email protected]
Why did RT, and the Grinch, cancel Christmas?

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