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By Luis Miranda, The Real Agenda
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This is the Greatest Terrorist State – It’s not Iran or China

Monday, December 12, 2016 7:46
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Often times, the mainstream media calls Iran the greatest terrorist state in the world. The accusation is usually backed by the premise that Iran supports terrorist groups around the world to advance its interests. But what exactly is a terrorist state and what actions turns it into a greater offender than others? Warfare is no longer what it used to be half a century ago, or a quarter of a century ago. In World Wars I and II, for example, countries declared hostilities directly. They allied with neighbors and declared war against their enemies. Over the past half a century, however, war has changed drastically. Countries no longer declare war against other states. They no longer fight wars in the conventional ways they used to fight them during the first half of the 20th century. After WW II, terrorist states changed their strategy to wage war. They began launching stealth attacks against their adversaries via proxy wars. Proxy wars require a terrorist state to have proxy groups which normally oppose its adversary. Minority groups within a country or foreign groups that infiltrate that country are the most common candidates to distabilize a non-aligned nation. In this sense, countries like Iran and China are indeed states that sponsor terrorism. But are China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba or Venezuela the greatest states sponsors of terrorism? If during the first half of the 20th century terrorism was usually equaled to war in its traditional form, over the past 60 years, terrorism has been associated with non-state actors supported by state sponsors of terror. So, when determining what is the greatest terrorist state, the one that takes the gold medal is the one that has supported proxy wars and proxy terrorism the most. In America, people have been victims of their own government’s false-flag attacks, according to whistleblower David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer: While their own government carries out false-flag terrorism against them, many Americans believe that joining their military or intelligence community is the best way to keep their country safe by fighting terrorism on the front lines. Unfortunately, they are all victims of fabricated wars carried out by their government. According to Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, many of the so-called terror threats warned about by the American government do not really exist. They are American-created boogie men to keep the population afraid and to seek support for unwarranted wars. The United States is the leading terrorist state in the XXI century. The country has held that crown for the past 60 years. Most of America’s state terrorism has been perpetrated by proxy groups both at home and abroad. The latest example of a US-sponsored terror attack is the ongoing war in Syria, where the US has trained and armed so-called rebels with the intent of deposing Bashar al-Assad. While Barack Obama praised himself for having signed a nuclear deal with Iran, the US government is fighting a proxy war against that very same country in Yemen. As it is the case in Syria, the real victims of the war are not Iranians or Americans, but civilians. Both Syria and Yemen are only two of the most recent examples of US-led proxy wars as a state sponsor of terrorism. But the United States has a long history as a state sponsor of terror. Another recent example is Iraq. The United States invaded the country in 1991 after setting up its asset, Saddam Hussein. Hussein invaded Kuwait after being given the green light by his American partners. That’s right. The US instigated Hussein’s move to invade Kuwait so the American government would have a reason to invade. Back in 2003, US intelligence officials presented fake information to justify America’s second invasion of Iraq under the pretense that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Since 2003, the US has been arming terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and other countries while allegedly supporting their government’s efforts to fight terrorism. The same practice by US governments was implemented in Vietnam, the Korean War, and the Greek civil war. In Latin America, the United States has participated in coups against governments in Central America, such as Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador. In South America, the uS has been involved in civil wars and Coup attempts in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, to name a few. Despite having closed some military bases around the world, the United States currently has around 800 of them on all continents. These bases are not only military posts. They also support the American role as a hegemon on economic, financial and political issues. In total, Dafour says, there are 1000 US bases or military installations with over 250,000 military personnel deployed around the world. According to America’s view of the world, continents are seen as wide battlefields which are controlled via central commands. The list includes: NORTHCOM, SOUTHCOM, USEUCOM, USCENTCOM and USPACOM. The network of American bases and installations, in addition to allowing the US to launch attacks on anyone it wishes also helps it maintain control over biological, wealth, water, oil, opium, and the trade of these and other resources. Often times, wars are launched not only for the purpose of depopulating an area in a continent or a country, but to secure possession over oil, water or drug trade routes. The military component is usually an excuse in these cases. As professor Dafour points out, the planet is […]

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