(Before It's News)
Edgar Welch, a 28-year old resident of North Carolina, entered the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria in northwest Washington, DC’s Cleveland Park on a quiet Sunday afternoon claiming to be some sort of citizen journalist who was “self-investigating” a bogus story floating around the Internet. The story, which has no merit, was amplified by social media during the recent presidential campaign. The story claimed that the pizza restaurant was some sort of nexus for a shadowy pedophile ring reaching into the inner circle of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. Continue reading → Bev Conover Editor & Publisher Intrepid Report https://www.intrepidreport.com https://www.facebook.com/intrepidreport http://twitter.com/#!/Intrepid_Report [email protected]
How about when MSM were involved with warmongers spewing propaganda for the the Iraq war and similar atrocities?
when the ACTOR Edgar Welch, a 28-year old resident of North Carolina, entered the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria to promulgate yet another GOVERNMENT FALSE FLAG bs scam!
My god you people are so easily played!
Maybe they should be reminded through quartz, the sands of time, so to desertspeak.
Time to turn, on a dime, like an hourglass, the lower half is filled, yes? Notice also how the lower half looks an awful lot like a typically promoted pyramid, from a 2 dimensional perspective.
It’s not that I want to die, it’s more that I can’t.