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X22Report Elite Are Attempting a ‘Soft Coup’, to Invalidate the Election – Episode 1150b

Monday, December 12, 2016 19:15
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The Elite Are Attempting A ‘Soft Coup’, To Invalidate The Election – Episode 1150b – YouTube

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Report date: 12.12.2016

CIA and the Elite are now attempting a soft coup to invalidate the elections and remove Trump soon to be the President elect.

They are using the propaganda that Russia cyber attacked the elections, they have no proof, they want to have the electors question the validity of the election which in-turn might call into question the results which will allow the election results to be invalid.

Trump has reported that this is a false flag and John Bolton joined him.

There are no links to the Russian government and no proof.

Syria and Russia have liberated Aleppo and the terrorists are fleeing.

The US and Turkey have pushed the IS from Iraq into Syria to retake Palmyra.

The US is planning something much larger in Syria with the Wasp, Whidbey and the George HW Bush on standby in the middle east.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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