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Betrayal: Turncoat Republicans Promise Return to Obama’s Unvetted Refugee Program

Monday, January 30, 2017 11:09
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(Before It's News)

Fellow Conservative,

Today, Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein will introduce two pieces of legislation. The first will undo President Trump’s refugee ban. The next would prohibit Trump from ever shutting down immigration from countries in the future.

And she has support. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer has promised to force a vote on it and multiple Republicans have agreed to come on board.

Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham released a joint statement condemning Trump for suspending immigration from these terror hotbeds and promising to resist his executive order.

The RINOs are teaming up with the Democrats. If every Republican who came out against Trump’s refugee moratorium voted that way, Feinstein’s bill would pass the Senate.

Yes, they are that close…

Don’t let Turncoat Republicans reinstate Obama’s open door refugee policy! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND they kill Feinstein’s bills!

What these Leftists and RINOs don’t want you to know is that Trump didn’t create this list of Middle Eastern countries. Congress and Obama did.

In late 2015, Congress passed the Terrorist Travel Protection Act and added Iraq, Iran, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Yemen, and Libya to a list of “Countries of Concern” warranting stricter vetting for visa applicants.

Chuck Schumer voted for this bill. Now he’s claiming that it is unconstitutional. Funny how that works, isn’t it?

There is no “Muslim ban.”

Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, and Egypt have the six largest Muslim populations in the world. None of them are affected by Trump’s executive order.

This is about keeping Americans safe.

In 2011, Barack Obama issued a similar order and suspended immigration from Iraq for six months. Why? Because terrorists had snuck into the United States disguised as refugees and were settled in Kentucky.

The President has determined that he needs three months to review the systems in place to make sure that refugees and immigrants are being thoroughly vetted. This is legal, constitutional, and common sense!

Now turncoat Republicans are teaming up with Democrats to reinstate Obama’s open door refugee policy?

No way!

Don’t let Turncoat Republicans reinstate Obama’s open door refugee policy! Send your urgent FaxBlast to Congress and DEMAND they kill Feinstein’s bills!


Joe Otto
Conservative Daily

The post Betrayal: Turncoat Republicans Promise Return to Obama’s Unvetted Refugee Program appeared first on Conservative Daily.


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