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Canadian Prime Minister Tweets “Welcome” Message to Refugees Banned by Trump… Just One Problem

Saturday, January 28, 2017 16:49
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(Before It's News)

Canadians. Justin Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister enjoys the spotlight, even if the things that put him there make no sense at all. Earlier, Trudeau sent out a tweet welcoming refugees from the countries, included in Donald Trump’s new ban.

To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada

— Justin Trudeau (@JustinTrudeau) January 28, 2017

My first thought was good for you. Do what you want, you’re Canada, not America. Then it occurred to me that Canada has all that space, why aren’t they already taking in more refugees? Well as it turns out the Canadian immigration policy isn’t exactly an open door either.

Canada’s refugee policy is limited to women and children. They aren’t taking any single men of fighting age. Those that are allowed to go live with the Canucks, also have to pass an intense vetting process, sound familiar?

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Total 3 comments
  • I’m surprised I’ve yet to see ” Not My Prime Minister ” shirts and hats yet.
    In canukistan we don’t vote people in per se … it’s 99% of the time voting the other clown out.
    What is 35% “majority” out of the 30% of the population that went out and voted?

    • “it’s 99% of the time voting the other clown out.” And the US doesn’t do exactly the same?? Every country does.

  • What “all that space”? They won’t live in “that space” – it’s uninhabitable. The US has more inhabitable unused space than Canada.

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