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REPORT: Trump Wanted To Move To Abolish The Electoral College

Saturday, January 28, 2017 9:17
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(Before It's News)

Well, if this is true, then you have to wonder just what he is trying to prove.

The Washington Examiner is retelling a tidbit from a Wall Street Journal report on Trump’s first days in office.

Apparently, if the reports are true, Trump wanted to end the Electoral College.

Trump won the Electoral College vote (obviously), but lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by around 3 million votes.

As a result, Trump has become obsessed with the notion that he wasn’t the more popular choice. However, had the U.S. been set up on a popular vote system, and not the Electoral College, we’d be saying, “Madam President” today, instead of “President Trump.”

Trump has called for a major investigation into voter fraud, in order to prove that it was votes by some 3 to 5 million illegals that put Hillary Clinton ahead of him, in the popular vote.

Further, the WSJ story says that it was Senator Mitch McConnell who had to talk Trump off of that particular ledge.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Kentucky Republican, spoke up, pointing him to the 2000 recount in Florida that lasted more than a month until it was halted by the U.S. Supreme Court. Imagine what a nationwide recount would look like. Mr. Trump demurred, and said he was fine to leave the current system in place.

The Electoral College system isn’t something that can be changed by a mere executive order, so the new king of the EO has no choice but to cool his jets.

A change to the Constitution, in order to get the nation to a popular vote system would require two-thirds congressional approval and ratification by three-fourths of the states.

We have the Electoral College system for a reason. Somebody should probably be giving Trump a crash course in the Constitution right now, if they haven’t started, already.

The post REPORT: Trump Wanted To Move To Abolish The Electoral College appeared first on RedState.


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  • b4

    yeah..if redsatan is reporting it got to be true right? more bullshit from redsatan, kings of fake news–lies and pure bullshit is redsatan’s calling card

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