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Are Liberals Helping Trump?

Sunday, February 19, 2017 12:48
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The New York Times asks:

“Jeffrey Medford, a small-business owner in South Carolina, voted reluctantly for Donald Trump. As a conservative, he felt the need to choose the Republican. But some things are making him feel uncomfortable — parts of Mr. Trump’s travel ban, for example, and the recurring theme of his apparent affinity for Russia.

Mr. Medford should be a natural ally for liberals trying to convince the country that Mr. Trump was a bad choice. But it is not working out that way. Every time Mr. Medford dips into the political debate — either with strangers on Facebook or friends in New York and Los Angeles — he comes away feeling battered by contempt and an attitude of moral superiority. …”

The Left is composed of liberals, moderates and progressives.

Of the three factions, the progressives are our allies. They are the ones out there scolding White women about their “white privilege” at the Women’s March. They are ones out there demonizing the cishet White male, rioting at Berkeley, tearing down monuments, policing speech, assaulting people and losing their minds in the streets. They are the driving force behind political correctness.

The progressives have come to believe that political disagreement is immoral. They are more influenced by non-liberal traditions of leftwing thought like communism and anarchism. A liberal used to be someone who was openminded and tolerant of different points of view. A liberal was someone who prized rational argument. In contrast, the progressives are intolerant and dogmatic. They have moronic chants like “This Is What Democracy Looks Like” and “No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!” They are a miserable, hypersensitive group of people. If you are in a classroom and a snowflake gets triggered and starts crying and throwing a tantrum, you are likely dealing with a progressive.

Fortunately for us, the progressives are alienating White Middle America. My sense is that their extremism has gotten worse since the election. They have pushed a lot of the suburban moderates closer to Trump. There is a growing perception that the Left has become unhinged and dangerous and it is due to these people. They believe everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, white supremacist or a fascist.

We need to define ourselves against the progressives. They are violent and intolerant. We are non-violent and reasonable. They are bigoted. We enjoy debates. They believe their opposition are wicked, immoral haters. We think our opposition is just misguided. They are unhinged. We are cool and collected. They are against free speech. We are for free speech. They are rigid and dogmatic. We are genial and laid back. They engage in no platforming. We are only asserting our constitutional rights. They are humorless scolds. We are irreverent. Actually, we’re already doing this, but as far as I can tell no one has openly said it anywhere. The strategy is working and we need to reinforce it with viral videos.

We can convince the middle that these people need to be contained in their coastal strongholds.


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