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Explosive: The Real Trump and What’s Behind His ‘Mysterious’ Veil… and You Won’t Believe What Else!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 14:12
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(Before It's News)

By Lisa Haven 


You are not going to want to miss this!!!!! In the video below, AMTV’s Christopher Green and I share an EXPLOSIVE interview! We delve into multiple topics including the angry feminist movement, the real “Donald Trump,” media targeting, and other bombshell information that you WILL NOT HEAR anywhere else!! Please DON’T Miss This Report…. 

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Total 12 comments
  • For being a powerful woman? Or maybe for being a skank. She’s so self absorbed she looks like a tramp sitting like that in the oval office.

    • Go away testicle-eater. CNN misses you almost as much as Obama turd.

      • It used to be that conservatives had some sense of modesty and decorum. I guess all that all went out the window with Trump.

        • b4

          your demented–no idea what causes a person to think like you other than mental illness-your sick just pee

          • Have you actually looked at the picture – or are you so enamored with Trump that you kiss his ass at every opportunity? It is you that thinks like a liberal revisionist.

    • I am a big supporter of Trump, but I also agree that Conway looks like some hillbilly skank from Appalachia, it’s the Oval Office for God’s sake, show a little class………

      • Thank you – it’s not about politics, it’s about common courtesy and appropriate behavior.

        • b4

          you are both full of shit–it has now come out that the photo caught her as she was moving around to get a better picture–that she was not sitting on the sofa like that-just pee–you are the worst of the worst on bin with all your bullshit–go to the disney website where you will be among peers-i dont kiss anybodys ass asshole,i am only about truth and just pee you are slanted,bias and full of shit so you disgust me

          • Truth hurts – doesn’t it?

  • My gut tells me that Trump is sincere about fixing America’s problems, he really doesn’t like America to be pushed around or taken advantage of, and he is the type of person who could really get it done. He like JFK was educated by Je$uits, JFK attended Ge0rget0wn and Trump went to F0rdham, and I have a hard time believing that JFK and Trump didn’t and don’t fully comprehend who is in control, but maybe they really do not for whatever reason. The question remains for me is how short of a leash will they keep him on, and how they will use the things he’s trying to implement to their advantage, I suspect that they will use him to move the country farther to the right and use him to implement more religious law, since the country drifted so far to the left under 0bama; however more religious law doesn’t necessarily mean moral or righteous religious law, it just means religious law according to the cath0lic church, which is usually at odds with Gods laws. I believe that JFK was also sincere about doing good for America as well; the problem is that what is best for America isn’t always good for the R0man cath0lic church, the */atican or the Je$uit order; JFK insured Pr0testant’s that he wouldn’t put the demands of the R0man cath0lic church above the Constitution and he was a man of his word, JFK had some socialists leanings, and may have been a womanizer but I have more respect for him the more I learn about how he stood up to the */atican and defended the Constitution. So if Trump is bucking their suggestions and direction it could spell disaster, because they are the true power behind the scenes. Pre$idents come and go, but there is a power structure that always remains and is running in the background, call it the deep state or whatever you want, I prefer to call it the Je$uit 0rder.

    • True…the Vatican owns the planet. Whomever is in the Vatican corporation is the real evil behind everything. But no one ever sees those names listed anywhere in regards to a Vatican corporation. Do believe they are the Venetian 300 families. The papal bulls tell us they own the kings, all the powers and the planet.

  • I am a KC fan but her posture during this meeting was unprofessional. I remember the outcry when a photo was taken of Obama with his feet up on the desk and he was held to the same standard.

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