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Marine Le Pen Savages Angela Merkel To Her Face

Tuesday, February 28, 2017 1:20
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Total 9 comments
  • This is the free speech they want to restrict, people speaking the truth. I say You Go Ms Marine Le Pen. I would vote for you.

    • Debbie, you’re saying Obama’s the Antichrist.
      That’s radical.
      Don’t you think it’s time to spread that news?

  • Gives me goose bumps…!!! She is another great person we need to pray for. Shield and protect her and give her favor throughout the land.

    • wiseoldlady, you’re saying Obama’s the Antichrist/the Devil.
      That’s very radical BUT it’s 100% TRUE.
      Don’t you think it’s time to spread that news big time?

  • What an awesome lady! Pray she wins. Her and Trump will make an awesome duo against the elites and will inspire others.

  • A vigorous, clear, and full of common sense speech. Bravo Marine!… alas this speech, as well as many others of hers are not hear by who it matters. THERE IS A BLACK-OUT OF THE FRENCH MEDIAS ON THIS KIND OF ADDRESS.

    Marine Le Pen is a victim of the NWO’s complicit MSM.

  • Freemasonry is alive & well in European governments as decision makers that have purposefully caused this immigration crisis. This crisis was purposefully created to result in a war that will escalate until a war more substantial than the present one, will be expanded, & orchestrated to destroy Israel & many Islamic soldiers. The Hebrew God has been planning HIS response to oppose this evil since HE had HIS prophets warn Arabs to leave Israel at peace in the Old Testament.

    The “Burden of Damascus” is coming, Psalm 83, Jeremiah 49, & Isaiah17 will stop the Satanic plans of Roman Catholic Jesuits, Freemasons & Illuminists.

  • Barry might still usurp the UN, to declare world peace, on behalf of the gentiles, but that doesn’t make you the king of anything, weird, culty person.

    Also, I don’t think it’s humane, to use functional-retards, as an excuse to micromanage the personal lives of normal people, by way of police-statism and confiscatory wealth redistribution. Give me everything, and do what I say, is not a humane excuse.

  • Just look at the smug look on that old cow Merkel’s face !!! She looks like she’s thinking “You can say what you want about me and all of the others that are political puppets of the “Elite” and their NWO but WERE the ones in charge that really run the show” ! NOT for Long I HOPE !!!

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