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It’s time to stop getting your knickers in a twist over Donald Trump. To be sure, he is dangerous, unhinged and his childish, insulting and whiny antics are an embarrassment to the US. Did I mention his mad tweets? Continue reading → Bev Conover Editor & Publisher Intrepid Report!/Intrepid_Report [email protected]
President Trump, is only dangerous to criminals, commies, and other anti American slugs. I love what he is doing to repair the damage Oblowme has done.
Monday morning poor poor pitiful me.
Liberals are such fukktards….now they are running around getting wiccans to cast spells on Donald Trump…there simply are no more childish bad actors on the planet than these communist Democrat losers……….and America is so sick of them…sick of their tantrums and lying rants….they cheated so hard to get the Bolshevik Communist Hillary installed…and they lost…boohoo…….time to give them all a flush and just ignore their demented commentaries…..
this leftist globalist is a retard. Trump is dangerous to the globalist agenda that needs to destroy this nation before the the NWO can emerge; he’s dangeroud to pedaphiles; dangerous to child sex traffickers. Wonder which one, if not all 3 this author represents?