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By Dr. William B. Mount
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Please Keep Praying For Before It’s News

Monday, February 27, 2017 12:26
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(Before It's News)

Please keep praying for this site that those in charge switch back to telling the truth.


Their readership is down 80% over 18 months ago.


this site has literally been destroyed by iis psuhing of lies.


Dr William B. Mount

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Total 2 comments
  • 1. I’m about to check out and stop coming here, because I can’t get an article posted.
    I’ve been a loyal reader for about 8 years and just this past year tried contributing. I’ve read the rules over and over to no avail.

    2. Mr. Mount- maybe you and others should start posting sources and links if you want this site to thrive.
    Just read an article by you that said 66 bankers arrested, but no link. I found the story elsewhere and, lo and behold it had a link to the real story, so my first thought is probably fake, but then I found a link proving it was true.
    Also stop posting videos of yourself reading powerpoint presentations written by yourself acting like it is a source.

    3. There should be a thumbs down or dislike buttons for stories.

    4. Why allow people to disable comments? It gives fakers an excuse to post fake stuff.
    This is supposed to be about free speech right? Well if someone can’t comment on a story, then how is that free.

    5. There is something fundamentally wrong with BIN and the way it is run, but aside from what I listed, I can’t quite put my finger on it.

    In conclusion, I will not pray. Revise, update, or be lost in the aether of other failed news aggregates and make way for the new.

    • Sorry to jump down your throat William B. Mount.

      I just realized you were saying that this site and its admin are failing. Agreed 100%.

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