It’s been a heady two weeks for right-wing Christian evangelicals. Never before has a president of the United States—not Reagan or either of the Bushes—delivered so much of their agenda in such short order as Donald Trump has just done. He capped off his string of early valentines to the religious right with the announcement of a Supreme Court nominee who is poised to revoke the rights of women, further tear down the “wall” between church and state and open wider the doors for big monied interests to buy the political system they want. Continue reading → Bev Conover Editor & Publisher Intrepid Report!/Intrepid_Report [email protected]
Alarmist. Get a life buddy, not one thing your proposing here is factually based. Growing up as a child of yours must be pure hell. Do you mischaracterize all their deeds this way too? They probably have you on a waiting list for an old folks home even as I type this.
Alarmist. Get a life buddy, not one thing your proposing here is factually based. Growing up as a child of yours must be pure hell. Do you mischaracterize all their deeds this way too? They probably have you on a waiting list for an old folks home even as I type this.