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Trump Update 2/19/2017…Bloodbath in Swamp!

Sunday, February 19, 2017 15:32
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(Before It's News)

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Trump is not orange

Trump is not orange. His colors are completely normal. The orange color is a 1950′s era communist tactic that was used in Soviet Russia.

Anyone of age who has even a basic American education would be likely to know this.

To make opponents look bad, communists always skew the color of their opponents either orange or red. This is easily done by adding filters during photo processing or nowadays simply tweaking the cameras, and in the case of high level media cameras, they can assign various faces in the same frame different colors.

The fact this is so universally happening to Trump only proves how much the old soviets have taken over American media, and the American government.

Mexico screwed up last night and during an alternative broadcast actually showed Trump the way he really is. Completely normal. People were shocked, asking why he’s not orange. Then I had to explain and they were still skeptical because they were so completely convinced he’s orange.

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Total 2 comments
  • So we have to wonder what Trump will do about the US Military’s secret space programs and their unholy Alien Alliance with the Annunaki, the Reptiles, and the Greys. There is a lot more to the bigger picture than people even begin to realize.

    Learn the truth about the NWO Satanic Alien Alliance at

    Very trying times are now upon us to say the very least!

  • jdp…Its not what you think its the actions of the MSM that tell everything 1. they as we all know live on the negative things mostly but that was a former idealogical that did work to the detriment of our society, now Trump is trying to reverse it to be what it was before where good means good, not bad and bad means bad, not good-hip talk from long ago slang.

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