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G Edward Griffin: Spiritual Warfare & The Big Picture
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George W. Bush interview about Donald Trump
We have public schools education system (education for all) paid for by the government; so we must create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all our U.S. citizens too. Obama’s healthcare is more bureaucracy; plus, you can realize the many middlemen and healthcare insurance companies that are having a feeding $,$$$,$$$,$$$ billions frenzy with this type of Obama’s healthcare system. We need a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM paid for by our U.S. government’s collected taxes that covers everyone no matter if they are poor or wealthy, a veteran, a government employee, a private citizen, etc. (all equally covered). Government employees should not be given special full coverage healthcare paid for by the taxpayer when the taxpayer has mediocre healthcare or no healthcare at all. All U.S. citizens should be able to access healthcare treatment for any issue, from any doctor or hospital including full dental and vision that the U.S. government pays directly (no middlemen).
We have too many government healthcare deals like:
…separate healthcare for the veterans (which is mediocre healthcare (mediocre veteran doctors and mediocre veteran hospitals) for our veterans; a veteran should be able to access any doctor and hospital to cause competition in the healthcare market to improve healthcare services overall); About 21.8 million veterans that are voters.
…healthcare known as Medicare (no dental and vision of which old people need desperately and can’t afford to pay for; so when you look in the mouth of an old person don’t be surprise that they have broken rotting infected teeth if any teeth at all. This is a serious health issue as this can lead to other aliments to the body. Also, seniors have to pay into this Medicare of which many cannot afford because the Social Security benefits they receive are below the poverty line and a hardship / destitution. Social Security benefits should be at least the federal minimum wage for “everyone equally”, even if they have never paid into it. It’s also discrimination and inequity towards women; you have many women seniors that have raised children and were stay at home moms that were snookered, abused mentally & physically, etc. by their spouse and divorced before the ten year criteria; and some were married to dead beat dads, etc. Life is not utopian; crap happens! Plus, Social Security benefits and senior age (class) should be rolled back to age fifty-five. Many elderly never reach their retirement age because of death and/or they are too disabled to enjoy their retirement. I am tired of seeing elderly people working at Wal-Mart when these elderly should be retired and a young person should be employed in their jobs; and keep in mind that the future is machines doing all the work including driverless public transportation, etc.; only 20% of the population will be working in the future.) About 57 million voters on Medicare.
…healthcare known as Medicaid (income bracket based). About 70 million voters that are on Medicaid.
Above Total: 148,800,000 million people (voters) are on government healthcare of the United States out of the overall population of 318.9 million!…(figures from internet search.)
AND …Obama government subsidized healthcare (income bracket based). About 11.4 million have Obama subsidized healthcare that are voters.
We need to get rid of all these healthcare deals and the United States must create a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all its citizens. Over half of the United States population is on government healthcare now if you count the children!
AND…Individual doctors and hospitals could still be liable for bad medical diagnosis & treatments to patients; and these individual doctors and hospitals could be sued by their patients for personal injury. The government is just the “payer” of the “national healthcare” bill (proof of medical treatment purchase invoice) and not liable for bad medical diagnosis & treatments to patients. Healthcare competition (its services) in the market will improve remarkably!
Our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM should be part of and managed by the “Social Security Administration”. Our Social Security number is proof that the person seeking medical treatment is a citizen of the United States. The “U.S. Department of Health and Human Services” should be a subsidiary of the “Social Security Administration”. We need to lessen government departments and become efficient and well-organized. (Note: immigrants working in the United States should get a special Social Security number identifying that the person is an immigrant. They should also get special driver’s license cards identifying them as an immigrant. No immigrant should be issued a regular driver’s license in the United States whereby they can use it for identification to access voting in elections and other beneficial government programs.)
By having a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all would cut out the middle men and healthcare insurance companies, which would save the government and everyone money in the long run. It should be illegal to sell healthcare insurance in the United States; these healthcare insurance companies are nothing but vampires feeding off of the sick. I know negative personalities will look at this prospect as a bleak concern until they are in dire-straits and over whelmed with an illness and then it will be too late for them.
Note: National Health Expenditures 2015 Highlights ( …In 2015, U.S. health care spending increased 5.8 percent to reach $3.2 trillion, or $9,990 per person. The coverage expansion that began in 2014 as a result of in the Affordable Care Act continued to have an impact on the growth of health care spending in 2015. Additionally, faster growth in total health care spending in 2015 was driven by stronger growth in spending for private health insurance, hospital care, physician and clinical services, and the continued strong growth in Medicaid and retail prescription drug spending. Lastly, the overall share of the U.S. economy devoted to health care spending was 17.8 percent in 2015, up from 17.4 percent in 2014.
We could have a federal national 3% percent sales tax (transaction tax) to help pay for this “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
…and the States could share the cost and have a 3% percent sales tax increase added to their State’s sales tax percent to help pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM which would create a 6% percent combined federal tax revenue.
…We should collect a federal 3% percent sales tax on all transactions from all the United States financial exchanges! That would help pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM!
…Example: the trading volume on the NYSE in 2015 totaled U.S. $18 trillion, nearly equal to the U.S. gross domestic product and approximately 20% of the gross world product, according to an estimate calculated by the World Bank (fxcm info.).
…The NYSE averages over U.S. $170 billion in daily trading value. (Just think about this: a federal 3% percent sales tax on $170,000,000,000 = $5,100,000,000 each day collected from the NYSE to pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM! (AND …don’t forget that we will be collecting a federal 3% percent sales tax from all the financial exchanges combined; which will total an enormous amount of cash daily!)
…All these collected federal 3% percent sales tax on all transactions from all of the United States exchanges; and all these collected federal 3% percent sales taxes (6% if you add the States 3% contribution) on goods and services go straight into the “Social Security Administration” account to pay for our “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.
Please President Trump work on this important issue…
…a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM for all its citizens is a must for the United States.
Contact the U.S. Congress today and demand for a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM! …If you want a good healthcare system, make the designers of the healthcare system (U.S. representatives and senators) have it as their own healthcare insurance too.
Look Beyond the Stars for Spiritual Guidance,
Christina M. Vahlsing, Vahlsing Inc.
Email: [email protected]
“ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM new petition at the link below. If you want to sign it, do so; but it is not necessary for the promotion. Everyone just spread the word and call their congressman and tell them that you want a “ONE” FULL COVERAGE NATIONAL HEALTHCARE SYSTEM.