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February 17 2017
Sarcasm includes Trump will be in lots of trouble is this keeps happening, Trump makesmajor announcement, & more on Rachael Maddock. Enjoy!
Danny Gold for Liberty Writers reports, It’s not that often that you get to see a top-tier Democrat coming out to defend President Trump. That is exactly what happened when Congressman Dennis Kucinich went on FOX News today.
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Dig up his bones and get him the hell off of American soil.
And I suppose you think corruption is okay and the whistle blowers should be prosecuted and harshly punished as long as what’s revealed pertains to your messiah Trump, huh?
Oh yeah, that hypocrite word again. I’m just full of glee watching all you lefties implode.
Actually, I’m more of a centrist. I’m just not foolish enough to fall for the false dichotomy presented to the public by the Republican or Democratic elites, or believe they have any interest beyond enriching themselves at everyone else’s expense. You’re merely falling for the right-wing version of what Democrats fell for when Obama was elected, and are too blind to see the wool being pulled over your eyes.
Actually, From your comments you are just a idiot. Seriously. What is wrong with having a good job, able to pay your bills on time and not being a govt check receiving parasite moocher? Trump is not accepting any pay for being the president! Did you get that Honey, Not Getting Paid for being President. You need to pull the wool from Your eyes, Honey.
BS, Morgana, you’re a full blown libtard who recently had several comments voted into oblivion.
There’s no back pedaling from that sort of carry on given the interweb has a memory like the proverbial elephant.
Would you like some links?
you always just make blind blanket statements with zero examples of facts–if your as young as your picture shows( doubt it,just your usual bullshit) you know nothing–you write like you work at macdonalds–notice how the stupid people know everything–i see trump as a very effective manager of tearing down the house–i dont care if he swears,smells bad,has bad hair,fat,ugly,talks badly..i dont care..i believe he is going to try to dismantle all the maggots in DC–turn everything upside down–so far so good–all of DC hates him just like you–so you must be a maggot too fey
I agree with you this admin. is a shambles and all it’s supporters can do is call names. As their Messiah would say “sad”
Trump is not a politician, he may have run on the Repub ticket, but he’s no Republican
How can you claim to be neutral after making a fool of yourself and showing yourself to be a full blown leftist “liberal”? At least have the guts to admit it even if it does make you look like an absolute idiot.
Regarding you commenting on wool being pulled over peoples eyes. You very well could be right. I actually think that Trump could be pulling the wool over the eyes of Americans but then he does exactly what he said he was going to do while campaigning. Each time he does something that he said he would during the campaign it blows my mind. After 12+ years of Rep/Democrat leftist retards it almost makes me short circuit having a President that does what he said he was going to do.
So, I guess I agree with you in some sense. Yes, I think still sometimes that he could be pulling the wool over our eyes but then he proves me wrong over and over again. All I can say is keep proving me wrong Trump! I am loving it! I love the policies that you ran on however I didn’t think you would actually implement them. I’m alright with being wrong though.
Morgana, you obviously DO NOT UNDERSTAND the issue and what you are saying! I’m retired law enforcement and understand the oath and procedures of FBI, CIA, NSA, Military, etc. First of all of course corruption is unacceptable, anywhere at any level! What you and so many others fail to and apparently don’t want to accept is there exists NO CORRUPTION here and quite frankly for you to state it is irresponsible! No laws have been violated and no procedural law has been violated in the slightest by the Trump / Flynn administration BUT, The Leaker & the so called Journalists who have leaked this classified information has most definitely committed a Felony and many including myself consider it TREASON. You have no idea of the gravity of this crime and the danger it poses to our nation! What you and the other Trump haters need to know is that the vast majority of Law enforcement, Intelligence & Military are so behind their new Commander & Chief and want these moles out! Also know and as it should be there will indeed be several prosecuted & convicted for this Treason including journalists.
Although the Trumpturds weren’t too happy with your comment I think it was right on the money. It’s BAD for Obama to golf occasionally but it is OK for SCROTUS to golf every single weekend. It’s terrible for Obama to ever take a vacation, but it’s OK for SCROTUS to vacation every single weekend without fail. This is after he told everyone that he would NEVER take a vacation of course. Oh, and it is also OK to provide security for little Melonia the illegal for $1,000,000 a day, that’s no big deal. So, SCROTUS gave up his $400,000 a year salary, that is not much compared to $1,000,000 every day of the year now, is it?
But…the last thing I would EVER want would be for SCROTUS to get impeached. His family is just too entertaining and with SCROTUS dying in his pressers and SNL I never want this party to end. TWEET AWAY, SCROTUS!!! We LOVE it!!!!
By “occasionally”, mitch51, do you mean nearly every week of Obama’s Presidency?
Compare that to, oh i don’t know, lets say, Woodrow Wilson and Dwight Eisenhower’s combined 2,000 rounds of golf to put a little perspective on things. Where was the outrage then?
Also don’t most folk get the weekend off and how did that suddenly become a vacation?
I hope I live to see the day Obama hangs at Leavenworth.
Right along beside Hillary and other traitors to America.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.” – Thomas Jefferson
Or just hang them from the nearest tree or lamppost !!!
Redlist Renegade:
That sounds like a fine plan to me.
Likely the best plan yet.
I like a man with a plan.
As long as the talking heads on TV and George Soros hate Trump, I like him.
Who’s Rachel Maddock? The video is of Rachel MADDOW. You can’t even get that right!
Anyway, Rachel Maddow is a liberal snowflake, as these people who cannot accept reality are called.
Thank you, USAF for spraying chemtrails to dumb down Americans (and parts of Canada) to make it easier for our enemies to defeat us when the time comes!! Yeah, I know – nobody cares!!
Clearly the left is mindless but in spite of that our media is playing a very dangerous game with our government it’s bad enough most media has been engaged in social engineering for sometime now but ramped up under Obama to the point the Media truly is our enemy. they have created so much distrust that outside governments can start hacking our news and twisting popular opinion and turning us on ourselves…Oh that’s right its already happening…thanks to trolls like MSNBC and CNN and CBS and ABC, etc. they have turned on this country to support some far left ideology that can’t win without indoctrination and media spin