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Democrat Senator Praises Nazi Doctor To Attack Neil Gorshuch On Abortion (VIDEO)

Thursday, March 23, 2017 9:33
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No one has ever accused Patrick Leahy of being sharpest knife in the drawer and yesterday he sealed the deal. He will never, ever be accused of being smart.

Leahy was trying to lecture Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch on the virtues and social value of abortion and he used an example from, as he put it, the “dark days” before infanticide became a constitutional right.

Sen. Leahy (D., Vt.) recounted his experience prosecuting a Nazi-trained doctor who crossed the Canadian border to perform illegal abortions in Vermont to the Judiciary Committee during the third day of Supreme Court nominee Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation hearing. Leahy called the incident representative of the “dark days” before the Supreme Court struck down state laws against abortion in the landmark case.

“She was trained to do these abortions working for the SS at Auschwitz so she could abort the women prisoners that they had impregnated so that they could keep on using the women that way before they put them in the gas chambers,” Leahy said.

I don’t know about you, but I found it very hard to view a Nazi death camp abortionist as a sympathetic figure. I wonder why this person was even able emigrate as both the US and Canada barred people who had served in outlawed organizations from immigrating. The other thought I had was that her experience really wasn’t far removed from a typical planned parenthood clinic where young girls who are caught up in sex trafficking or who are the victims of child rape are given abortions by compliant Planned Parenthood staff — money is money, amirite? — and handed back over to their abusers.

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