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Gallup: Trump Job Approval Rating Lower Than Ever

Sunday, March 19, 2017 11:25
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(Before It's News)

The latest Gallup poll shows President Trump’s approval rating to be at its lowest since he took office.

On January 22nd, the Gallup poll showed approval and disapproval evenly split at 45%. The latest poll from March 18th shows his approval to now be at 37% and disapproval at 58%.


President Trump has had a busy two months in office filled with executive orders, meetings, alleging that former President Obama had Trump Tower wiretapped, travel bans, tweeting, a mostly successful primetime address before Congress, and plenty of golf.

In light of his incredibly low approval rating, it could not be said that Trump as president is winning over the majority of the American people. It’s worth noting, however, that President Obama averaged only a 47.9% approval rating over the course of his presidency.

We’re barely into the era of Trump. As of right now, we’re still waiting for America to be made great again as promised on the campaign trail. Time will tell.

The post GALLUP: Trump Job Approval Rating Lower Than Ever appeared first on RedState.


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