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ONE MORE: NC’s Budd Will Not Vote for Trumpcare

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 8:25
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North Carolina Freshman Congressman Ted Budd, joined those standing up to President Donald J. Trump over the proposed American Health Care Act. On Tuesday, Budd announced his opposition to the Obamacare replacement bill also known as Trumpcare, Ryancare and Obamacare Lite:

As currently written, I cannot support the American Health Care Act. This bill leaves the structure of Obamacare in place and does not provide the relief that North Carolina families need from high premiums. I am completely committed to repealing Obamacare and do not think that Congress should take a recess until we have done so.

Budd’s point that the replacement bill retains the Obamacare structure is reminiscent of Rep. Justin Amash’s complaint that the changes made to the Republican health care bill are inadequate.

The timing of Budd’s announcement speaks volumes about his fortitude. Bud revealed his opposition on the same day that President Trump warned House Republicans they could lose their seats in next year’s midterm elections if they failed to back the Republican version of Obamacare and just two days before the House of Representatives is expected to vote on the Republican health care bill.

According to the Associated Press, Trump met behind closed doors with Republicans Tuesday after “43 pages worth of changes” were made to the Republican Obamacare repeal and replace legislation:

“If you don’t pass the bill there could be political costs,” Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C, said after the meeting, summarizing Trump’s message, according to the Associated Press.

The Associated Press also reported that according to a person in the room who described the closed-door meeting on condition of anonymity, the president explicitly predicted that many House Republicans would lose seats and the party would lose control of the chamber in next year’s election if the bill fails.

We shouldn’t surprised by Budd’s moxie. He is a farmer and owns a gun store and range. But as the Obamacare repeal and replace drama plays out, don’t bet against President Trump. If we learned anything during the last presidential election it is that we should not underestimate Donald J. Trump.

The post ONE MORE: NC’s Budd Will Not Vote for Trumpcare appeared first on RedState.


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