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President Trump no longer safe in White House: Former Secret Service agent

Friday, March 17, 2017 21:58
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A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

President Trump no longer safe in White House: Former Secret Service agent | 17 March 2017 | The president is no longer safe on the White House grounds, according to former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino, who once guarded presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Bongino made the stunning assessment in an interview Friday with Fox News.


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  • Boo

    It’s not the first time someone has jumped the fence. They actually found a bullet hole, curtesy of the maid someone made while shooting at the white house during Obama’s last term in office.

    Many people did not approve of Obama and his communist/progressive policies. Country’s had bounty’s on his head for the meddling he personally authorized to meddle in their elections. People in business and financial advisors were terrified at how he was ripping away and dividing people, damaging the poor and middle class almost beyond repair. If the dollar folds in the next year you can thank Obama for our economies collapse and the way he underhandedly allowed the FED to print the helicopter money that we too will now have to bare and suffer under such a 3rd world maker policy. Not sure if even Trump can be creative enough to protect us from our foolish and frivolous sojourn down the 3rd world path with our last President. The fact they we were too ignorant to vote him out after his first term tells you how lacking our populace’s education truly was.

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