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By John Rolls (Reporter)
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Sen McCain Explodes: ‘Rand Paul Is Working for Putin!’ (Video)

Wednesday, March 15, 2017 19:33
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Image result for pics of a crazy senator john mccainVia The Ron Paul Institute for Peace & Prosperity /

“Putin derangement syndrome” may have finally jumped the shark.

Just minutes ago on the US Senate Floor, Sen. Rand Paul did the sensible thing and blocked NATO accession for tiny, corrupt Montenegro. The inconsequential Balkan country brings absolutely nothing to the NATO alliance, with its army of approximately 1,950 active duty military, a population the size of the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a history of political repression and corruption.

Montenegro would only be a drain on the NATO alliance, but those pushing for its membership don’t care much. They view Montenegro’s NATO membership as another black eye for the Russians, who have been historically close to the tiny Balkan state.

Chief among those who are obsessed with giving Russia a black eye — and perhaps starting WWIII — is the Senator from Arizona, John McCain. And Senator Paul’s move today nearly caused him an aneurism.

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The U.S. government has quietly spent millions of taxpayer dollars to destabilize the center-right government in Macedonia.

McCain asked for unanimous consent to move forward his bill to approve NATO membership for Montenegro. His jaw dropped as he witnessed Sen. Paul raise his objection and then exit the room. Done.

McCain exploded at Paul in what must really be a meltdown for the records:

I note the senator from Kentucky leaving the floor without justification or any rationale for the action he has just taken. That is really remarkable, that a senator blocking a treaty that is supported by the overwhelming number, perhaps 98—at least—of his colleagues would come to the floor and object and walk away.

The only conclusion you can draw when he walks away is he has no justification for his objection to having a small nation be part of NATO that is under assault from the Russians. So I repeat again, the senator from Kentucky is now working for Vladimir Putin.

Watch “Meltdown” McCain here:

As Mike Krieger notes, this video should alarm all Americans. McCain is accusing a fellow Senator of disloyalty and allegiance to a foreign power simply because he disagrees with him. It’s remarkably similar to what we saw Adam Schiff do a few months ago in an embarrassing interview with Tucker Carlson.

I suppose yelling “Russia” is simply the new strategy for clueless politicians when they can’t win an argument.

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Total 9 comments
  • John McCain’s family must be concerned, if they have any better sense than the Arizona Senator has, that this Congress man is mentally warped. How much is he hiding about the blackmail that he has been subjected to since the 1970′s, where the news media was told and is being told to stop reporting upon McCain’s treasonous actions at the Hanoi Hilton in the 1960′s.

    Somebody has McCain very deep into their back pocket. McCain cannot possibly get out of the path he is taking to HELL.


  • McCain is demented

    This smells like alzheimers type combatitiveness and paranoia.

    He needs to retire years ago, same with Hillary and company..

    The deep state knows how to play people, taking advantage of the demented by playing upon their paranoia and suspicions is par for the course for an outfit that Killed JFK.

  • Well, I love it because Rand Paul objected and just walked away. You know that has to eat at RINO NWO Soros puppet McCain.

  • John McCain was one of the conspirators who plotted to nuke Charleston Harbor with a B61-11 nuclear bomb moved out of Dryess AFB in 3 Sep. 2013 without a paper trail. Someone at the base tipped off the TX state police and they stopped the truck, found the bomb and alerted the Feds who picked it up outside of Charleston.

    Senators Flake, Boxer (with support of Feinstine) and Lindsay Graham were co conspirators. Graham announced on 3 Sep. 2013 if we did not attack Syria, they were going to nuke Charleston. On 4 Sep. 2013, the Senate Foreign Relations committee voted to declare war on Syria. Boxer did it by proxy. We were suppose to have a nuclear 9/11 in 2013. Charleston is solidly republican. This gives you an idea just how evil the deep state is. I did not vote for Obama, but he was probably the guy that stopped it.

    On 3 Sep. 2013, Israel shot two sub launched nuclear missiles at Syria, but the US Navy shot them down, probably on Obama’s orders.

  • Freeus

    Hope everyone in Arizona comes to their senses and investigates the exploits of this corrupt, looney, self absorbed paid off scum.

  • Someone please feed McLame cheezburguers.

  • Rand Paul says we must stop funding terrorists/ISIS and John McCain goes NUTS:

    he Clintons are still sitting in the warmth of their home enjoying all their riches and being praised by all their Liberal Followers. And it is not just liberals who follow them. It is some Republican Traitors like John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and Paul Ryan who still praise what the Clintons have done.

    The whole premise behind the takeover of countries and murder of their leaders is the method of madness by how Hillary Clinton operates. Oh, but she does not operate alone. She and Obama were a match made in hell!

    The U.S. government “regime change” schemes overseas that involve providing money, weapons, training, and other support to savage terror organizations was what Hillary Clinton has given her life to. Of course, aiding designated terror groups is already a serious crime, but the laws have not been enforced against federal officials involved in these war crimes. AND WHY NOT???

    This is how Hillary would do it:

    1. Enter target country under false pretenses.
    2. Threaten country to join her or die.
    3. Put together a rebel group from the Muslim Brotherhood to take down country, while killing populace, tearing down architecture, and leaving country in ruin.
    4. Funds rebels to fight with arms and machines paid for by the American taxpayer.
    5. All the while rebels share with ISIS their weapons.
    6. Lo and behold ISIS is being funded by American taxpayers, too, and supported by Obama and Clinton….oh, and John McCain.
    7. Leader of country is savagely murdered.
    8. Country’s riches, resources and land stolen by Obama and Clinton.
    9. Gas pipeline built.
    10. Citizens abused and trafficked.
    11. Country is left as void for terrorists to fill.

    H.R. 608 in the House, bans the provision of any assistance by the federal government to al-Qaeda, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and the Islamic State, sometimes known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh.

    The “Stop Arming Terrorists Act,” as it is being dubbed, would also prohibit official U.S. aid to any individual or group affiliated with, associated with, or cooperating with any of the proscribed terror organizations.

    Finally, the legislation bans any funds to state sponsors of those groups. Providing anything from cash and weapons to training and intelligence would be prohibited under the bill.

    Senator Paul, a leading constitutionalist Congressman, introduced the “Stop Arming Terrorists Act” last week in the Senate as S. 532.

    “One of the unintended consequences of nation-building and open-ended intervention is American funds and weapons benefiting those who hate us,” Senator Paul said in a statement announcing that the companion legislation to the House measure had been filed. “This legislation will strengthen our foreign policy, enhance our national security, and safeguard our resources.”

    Like his father, retired Congressman and GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul, Senator Paul has been a long time critic of the U.S. government’s illegal policies arming terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda.

    I hate to sound stupid, but I was not aware this was occurring until I discovered what Hillary Clinton and Obama were doing in Libya. I will never forget hearing Hillary say on the tube, “We came, we saw, he died.” She laughed at the gruesome death of Muammar Gaddafi. She and her Team had won, and nothing mattered more to Hillary than winning. Her followers continue to haunt America as they refuse to accept Donald Trump as the new President, thus again abusing the rights of the American citizens.

    Hillary has never paid a dime or a day for her crimes, and it honestly does not look like she will. Unless the honorable AG Jeff Sessions can take action against her, she will die never having spent a day paying for what she has done. However, I know what awaits her when she dies.

    Hillary is a follower of Saul Alinsky who taught his followers that the only thing that mattered was “power”…at any cost. The means justifies the end, and that end should be power. Oh, by the way, Obama also is a follower of Saul Alinsky. That fact provides us with some insight into the character of both Obama and Hillary Clinton.

    At this point the evidence of U.S. government support for terrorists is overwhelming, with President Trump going so far as to call Obama and Hillary Clinton co-founders of ISIS.

  • raburgeson

    Have you noticed that the guilty ones blame others for exactly what they are doing?

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