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They Are Oh-So Clever.

Monday, March 6, 2017 4:52
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(Before It's News)

Diogenes Middle Finger

“Clearly, evil Russian geniuses have developed a crystal ball which can predict US elections with much greater accuracy than our multi-billion dollar pollster business.  In addition, the Russians have a diplomatic corps whose members automatically recruit any Republican politician with whom they make contact. The Russians, apparently, knew years ago that Trump would win the 2016 elections and put all of their eggs in that basket. 

They suborned and blackmailed Trump and his closest associates, bankrolled his campaign through laundered mobster money via Trump Tower, and even, just to nail things down, got the DNC to write horribly incriminating emails protected with clever passwords such as Podesta's email password “Password.”  The Russians somehow managed to get thousands of US labor union members to vote Trump and take down the “Blue Wall.” - Diplomad 2.0 

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