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Tit-for-Tat Politics, Vault 7, and the Political Distraction Game

Friday, March 17, 2017 14:37
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(Before It's News)

March 18th, 2017

By Ryan Cristián

Guest writer for Wake Up World

‘There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America.’ – FBI Director James Comey

Welcome to modern America, where freedom, rights and privacy are no longer an absolute, but something to be earned or withheld on a whim, and where the true intentions of government and what really goes on behind the political scenes are entirely obfuscated by “state secrets” and intentional, manufactured political distraction.

The Terrorist Distraction

Tit-for-Tat Politics, Vault 7, and the Political Distraction -

The American people have been slowly and incrementally conditioned to accept the growing surveillance and police state, all due to some hazy fear of a verifiably manufactured danger that kills fewer people than your annual heat wave — and that is not hyperbole, it is fact. According to the National Safety Council and the National Center for Health Statistics, Americans have a 1 in 45,808 chance in their lifetime of being the victim of a terrorist attack, yet this topic seemingly justifies both the domestic and foreign policy of the US (that is arguably becoming quite un-American, “the totalitarian-tip-toe”) and clearly dominates American news coverage. Whereas, in any given year, an American has a 1 in 10,785 chance of dying due to a heat wave.


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