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Vault 7 Opened Up: The Biggest Megillah of Them All

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 9:19
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(Before It's News)

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today


ZERO YEAR: It doesn’t get any bigger than Vault 7


Wikileaks Open Up ‘Vault 7’


“The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents”

State of the Nation

If ever President Donald Trump needed a boost out of the swamp, that time is now.

Along comes WikiLeaks with what is destined to be the largest release of confidential CIA information and data in U.S. history.  The following “Press Release” comes directly from the official WikiLeaks website:

PRESS RELEASE: Vault 7: CIA Hacking Tools Revealed

Here’s another article describing this long-anticipated event.

What is Vault 7? WikiLeaks releases ‘Year Zero’ files as part of ‘largest ever’ CIA leak

For those who are uninitiated in the arcane minutiae of CIA-directed blackops and psyops, the following post offers additional background on just some of the heretofore secret details.

VAULT 7 Opens Up: The CIA’s Secret Strategies and MO Tactics Exposed

As for exactly what those many “secret strategies” and “MO tactics” routinely utilized by the C.I.A. are, there will be a number of caches of highly radioactive information to be released from WikiLeaks Vault 7.  Each one promises to level the playing field like never before by virtue of the crucial info released into the public domain.

Deep State

With each successive disclosure coming out of Vault 7, it will become crystal clear that the Central Intelligence Agency is the very backbone of Deep State.

The C.I.A. And Deep State Conspiracy Finally Exposed

It will also become known that the C.I.A. not only works closely with every major organ of the Mainstream Media (MSM), but that the MSM is essentially owned and operated by the C.I.A.  Because news is considered ‘intelligence”, and news reporting is also known as intelligence gathering, the C.I.A. took over the MSM decades ago.

MAINSTREAM MEDIA: The True Enemy Of The People

The third pillar which holds up the Deep State operating platform is the FED (Federal Reserve System).  These three patently unlawful entities — the C.I.A., the MSM and FED — work in tandem to support the all-powerful Military Industrial Complex (MIC).  It is the MIC which permits the United States of America to effectively function as the military arm of the New World Order.  The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order

It is only because of the complete co-option of Corporate America by Deep State that the USA was ever taken over by a shadow government.  This group of unelected officials and foreign agents basically runs the U.S. Government, Inc.  US Inc. in turns reports to a much more powerful global entity known as the World Shadow GovernmentDeep State: Where the Shadow Government Meets the Corporate Controllers


With the historic opening of Vault 7, what has been severely compromised is the key element which has forever distinguished the C.I.A. as the premier arbiter of “actionable intelligence”.  Now that their methods and technologies have been disclosed for the whole world to see, The Company (as it is known in intelligence circles) will quickly become a toothless tiger.

Nevertheless, it has never been more important for the POTUS to dissolve the C.I.A., as well as shut down the MSM.  Any once all-powerful organization that finds itself in its death throes is bound to do a LOT of damage as it thrashes about gasping for air.

The 3 Pillars of Deep State Must Be Knocked Down Post Haste

Furthermore, by taking over the FED, the U.S. Treasury will not only take back its constitutionally-granted power to print the nation’s money supply, it will further deprive the C.I.A. from financial resources necessary to conduct its black operations worldwide.

These are just some of the more critical reasons why Vault 7 is such a defining moment in the history of the American Republic, as it is for the world-at-large.

State of the Nation
March 7, 2017

ZERO YEAR: It doesn’t get any bigger than Vault 7 | SOTN: Alternative News & Commentary

THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today

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Total 13 comments
  • Vault 7…
    Giving all 7′s
    a very bad name…
    Or – A very good name…
    It’s really, all how you look at it…
    :arrow: 7

  • Vault 7 exists because the CIA is a COMPROMISED enemy of the American People and the innocents of world. As are the entire so-called (lack of) Intelligence Community. Heads need to roll and necks need to SNAP. God no longer bleeds. Traitors, subvertors, robbers and murderers of the American People, which the CIA IS, need to be EXECUTED. Those infiltrated into our nation, in COLLUSION with the CIA, NSA, etc., such as the UK and Jesuit satanist owned-and-operated SERCO, need to BLEED with them. Treason has a F*cking DUE at the end of a rope.

  • This will leave them with their last tool to use – FALSE FLAG – and it will be a HUGE one.

    • Man

      anything done by the government is claimed to be a false flag on BIN. maybe that claim is a false flag

  • When will the good guys have enough power to arrest and prosecute these people? It is a bigger problem than we thought and we already thought is was everywhere. They would not have gotten away with so much without compliance of the media. We have to learn never to let this happen again…that is…we, as humans are around much longer and we don’t destroy ourselves as God allows and takes over. I don’t see a way back to a civilized society..for f quite a while at least. I am hoping for God. God Bless C.C. Forche author of the Christian book of arguments w/ 666 decoded in 9 languages and 5 alphabets ( what are those odds?) go her and see “THE TOWN CRIER IS HARD PRESSED” an argument form the book check out GOD’S COUNTRY too

  • If you believe wiki leaks will have any effect on c. i.a. operations then i have a bridge I wanna sell you.

  • Vault Seven ~ Nest Vulvae
    Vault Seven ~ Vulva ‘n’ Tees
    Vault Seven ~ Van ‘Eve’ Lust
    Vault Seven ~ Leven ‘TV’ USA
    Vault Seven ~ Values Tune
    Vault Seven ~ Value Vents
    Vault Seven ~ Valves Tune

  • This leak summarized in a nutshell: The CIA has hackers, and hacker programs, and can hack into essentially anything connected to the internet, regardless of wether it’s Android, iOS, Mac, windows, Linux, Solaris, smart TVs, routers, etc.

    This leak honestly seems kind of pointless, because if you didn’t already assume branches of the government could do this, you’re a moron.

    Of course they can do this stuff. Kids on the internet working for fun when they’re bored can do this kind of stuff, you think a team of government funded tech engineers can’t do more?

    I’ve assumed that every single thing I do online could be monitored by the government since at least 1994. If you didn’t, I don’t know what to tell you, welcome to technology.

  • Interesting that I have watched FOX for much of the day to see what they are saying and there hasn’t been a peep about this. hmmmmm Has anyone heard about this on any of the MSM sites?

    • Russia today has it all over their site, top news story but even they made it back page news on the TV box last night.

      Russia is working for the bankers just like the US admin and Congress and the relationship between the west and russia is right out the book 1984 and this is why China stays cold towards Russia because they are no fools

  • If Trump doesn’t take this illegal activity to disband the CIA and jail those involved , disband the Fed Reserve and prosecute these bankers and prosecute the MSM and disband those companies involved ,then it means Trump is a phony and the american people are finished

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