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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Wasteful EPA programs get the axe

Monday, March 27, 2017 4:33
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While many of us are wringing our hands regarding the less than stellar handling of the Obamacare repeal, Trump has kept his promise of working on dismantling the bizarre actions of the EPA that had much to do with anything other than a slush fund for the undeserved. I include just a couple of my screeds I did the past couple of years. One of the most concerning was the EPA’s determination to infiltrate our churches. Here tis:

EPA gives grant to Church for White Priviledge  November 23, 2015 — bunkerville

EPA to study Churches, develop programs to combat climate change April 28, 2015 — bunkerville. 

Lisa Jackson & EPA conducting illegal human medical experiments  February 15, 2013 — bunkerville

EPA defies court order- increases ethanol mandate February 1, 2013 — bunkerville

From Judicial Watch:

The Trump administration is being accused of racism for cutting a wasteful program that’s given leftist groups tens of millions of dollars to help poor, minority and indigenous communities attain “environmental justice.” The initiative was launched under Barack Obama’s first Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief, Lisa Jackson, to help low-income populations obtain the same degree of protection from health and environmental hazards as wealthy communities. Over the years, heaps of taxpayer dollars have filled the coffers of leftwing groups—including some dedicated to helping illegal immigrants—that teach black, Latino and indigenous folks how to recycle, reduce carbon emissions through “weatherization” and participate in “green jobs.”

The list of ludicrous programs funded by the EPA’s environmental justice office goes on and on. The Obama administration also forced virtually every major government agency—including the departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Agriculture, Justice, Health and Labor—to participate in its environmental justice initiative. This required making environmental justice part of their mission and providing the public with annual progress reports on their efforts to help minorities that live in the shadows of society’s worst pollution.

More at Judicial Watch

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