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WATCH: Marco Rubio On Wiretaps “We’re Going To Find Out Very Quickly”

Monday, March 6, 2017 5:15
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(Before It's News)

On Saturday, Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse gave a very reasonable, measured response to all the chaos that erupted from the latest Trump tweetstorm.

As we know by now, Trump has accused former President Obama of having the phones in Trump Tower “tapped” back in October, before the November 2016 election.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have scrambled to try and piece together exactly what Trump is talking about, given that he made the claim and presented no evidence.

In fact, if you follow Trump’s Twitter timeline, after putting something as serious as an accusation of spying by a government official – the president, no less – out into the world, he immediately began taking jabs at a movie star over TV ratings.

Because one logically leads to the other, or something.

I don’t know if it happened or not. We’re going to have to wait and see, but according to Senator Marco Rubio, we may not have to wait long.

In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Jake Tapper, the Florida Republican said he doesn’t know where Trump’s claim comes from.

“But I imagine we’re going to learn more about it here over the next few days, one way or the other,” Rubio said.

“I’m not sure what it is he is talking about,” Rubio added. “Perhaps the President has information that is not yet available to us or to the public. And if it’s true, obviously we’re going to find out very quickly. And if it isn’t, then obviously he’ll have to explain what he meant by it.”

And that is reasonable.

The senator went on to explain that he realizes how frustrating it is for people when the FBI doesn’t divulge information about investigations.

“But what I think we should do is, everybody needs to take a deep breath and calm down here,” he said. “And let’s go through this as what we are doing. In the Senate Intelligence Committee, we are working in a bipartisan way to collect facts that involve reviewing classified and sometimes unclassified and open-source information.”

“We will issue a report to the Senate that will be available to the American people, and then people can form judgments on the basis of the collection of facts,” Rubio said. “That is what we are undertaking. I remain confident that the Senate Intelligence Committee is going to produce a document built on the facts that will allow people to reach judgments based on the facts. And that’s what we should be doing in something like this.”

Facts. Just facts. Not accusations or finger-pointing, but facts.

Novel idea, Senator.

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tweeted out today that President Trump is requesting that as part of the investigation into Russian activity, the congressional intelligence committees also take up this issue of wiretapping, and it appears that they have agreed to oblige him.

Spicer then, very wisely, said there would be no more comment about it, either from the White House or President Trump, until the investigation was complete.


Turn this over to the proper hands and stop trying to enrage the public. If Senator Rubio is correct, there are channels to follow that will make that part of the investigation clear in a relatively short time, so by all means, let’s get to it.

The post WATCH: Marco Rubio On Wiretaps “We’re Going To Find Out Very Quickly” appeared first on RedState.


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