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By Bunkerville, God, Guns and Guts
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Will a Judge order Trump to double 50,000 refugees into the U.S?

Saturday, March 18, 2017 5:06
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What the environmentalists did to the courts to win so-called “settlements” with the EPA, the Soros sponsored groups will move on to attack Trump. I suggest that March 28, 2017 will become D-Day for whether anarchy will prevail. Will a Judge attempt to usurp the power of the President and “order” more imports of terrorists? In the case of the “greenies” a simple suit against the government would bring a wink and a nod in court and an out of court settlement would occur. So consider the ramifications of this:

A federal District Court judge in Maryland is considering whether he should order President Donald Trump to double the annual inflow of refugees up to 100,000 per year.

Any demand by the judge that the federal government airbus an extra 50,000 migrants — including many adherents of Islam’s sharia legal system — into American neighborhoods would be an unusual intervention into government roles normally left to the elected President and Congress.

The judge revealed his proposal in a footnote in his March 15 decision where he denounced Trump’s reformist Executive Orders, which sharply curbs the inflow of refugees from war-torn Islamic countries.

The judge’s footnote declared:

On February 22, 2017, Plaintiffs filed a Motion for a Preliminary Injunction of S 5(d) of the Executive Order, ECF No. 64, requesting that the Court enjoin a specific provision of the First Executive Order. With the agreement of the parties, the Court set a briefing and hearing schedule extending to March 28, 2017. The Court will resolve that Motion, which the parties have agreed should be construed to apply to the successor provision of the Second Executive Order, in accordance with the previously established schedule.

The plaintiffs’ request for 100,000 refugees each year was made by lawyers for the International Refugee Assistance Protect, HIAS Inc., a so-called “VOLAG” which is paid by federal agencies to import refugees, and by members of the Middle East Studies Association.

“Judge Chuang’s ruling … leaves the door open for further discussion of our challenges to the refugee ban, an opening we intend to pursue,” said a March 15 statement from HIAS. “So stay tuned for more news as our lawsuit continues.”  HIAS received at least $19.5 million in government grants in 2014, according to its federal 990 form.

More at Breitbart

Filed under: Immigration Tagged: Refugees, Syria, Trump


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Total 2 comments
  • and if he does they should all be sent to the judges town and all the towns his relative live in, which are probably gun free zones….

  • since our judges dont inforce american law only english law it dont seem they should have any power over american goverment, now if it was a judge that is a common law judge that inforces american law that would be differant. you do relize we havent had american law judges since the civel war dont you. you can tell by the flag they have in court ,gold fringed is maritime law wich is english law no fringe is american law and their is a differance.

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