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X22Report America Has Become Nbr One Again, but it’s Not What You Think – Episode 1237b

Friday, March 24, 2017 17:33
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America Has Become #1 Again, But It’s Not What You Think – Episode 1237b

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Report date: 03.24.2017

Nunes calls Rogers and Comey to the White House, Nunes concerned about information in the intel report.

The deep state is now in the process of shutting down the alt-media sites very slowly.

Health care bill was pulled because of not enough votes.

America is #1 again for having the highest health care costs.

LePenn meets Putin and she says if she is elected she will lift sanctions.

North Korea right letter to the UN discussing the provocations by the US.

Syrian safe zones or what is not being called stability zones are being discussed.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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