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X22Report Deep State Sends a Subtle Message During Comey Hearings – Episode 1234b

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 18:58
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The Deep State Sends A Subtle Message During Comey Hearings – Episode 1234b – YouTube

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Report date: 03.21.2017

House votes to support the vets.

The Deep State is sending a message through Comey to the public, the are preparing to remove Trump.

McAfee says there is no way that Russia hacked anything.

Head of GCHQ steps down.

The people of Canada do not support the government view on immigration.

Propaganda video appears showing North Korea attacking the US, did the video actually come from North Korea?

Ukraine’s economy is falling apart.

US building a case that Haftar in Libya is just like Assad in Syria.

Russia and the US are having drills in the Black Sea.

Syrian defectors tells Trump to implement safe zones.

Assad says the White Helmets are al-Qaeda there is no difference.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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Total 2 comments
  • FBI investigating Alex Jones and Breitbart, etc, etc,, to hide the PizzaGate/pedos investigations. Also to hide the fact that Comey is involved with HBCS and their money laundering for the Clinton Foundation, and friend of the Clintons, etc,..A bucket of worms to create chaos to keep the public’s minds off PizzaGate, and the many peso’s in gov’t offices. A complete toxic dump under D.C….

  • Just sharing a new site i found. Loving it so far. Refreshing actually.

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