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X22Report Is it a Coincidence That an Event Occurred the Same Day the Surveillance News Broke? – Episode 1235b

Wednesday, March 22, 2017 16:57
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Is It A Coincidence That An Event Occurred The Same Day The Surveillance News Broke? – Episode 1235b – YouTube

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Report date: 03.22.2017

Breitbart correspondent stopped from talking about the Clinton email server.

Google, YouTube is now implementing their system to go after offensive sites and videos.

Nunes comes out says that Trump’s administration was spied on and the investigation is continuing.

The surveillance passed threw a foreign source to avoid the US laws.

Trump kills UN Climate deal, says the US will not longer be sending funds.

South Korea says NK shot off missile that exploded.

The US flies B1-B bombers near NK. Sweden activates cold war bunkers because of the non existent Russian threat.

Libya General is now being linked to war crimes.

Major event occurred in London was this a distraction for the new about the surveillance on Trump.

All source links to the report can be found on the site.


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