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Yes Obama is responsible for Crimea and the mess in Ukraine – just part of his reckless foreign policy which killed hundreds of thousands and left millions homeless – yet corporate press still treats him as Mr. Good Guy

Tuesday, March 7, 2017 10:55
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“Donald Trump blames Barack Obama over Russia’s annexation of Crimea”

Well, if Obama isn’t to blame for Crimea, who is? Of course, using the word “annexation” is not factually accurate and deliberately provocative, but, whatever you choose to call the set of events, Obama is unquestionably responsible.

He instigated a stupid coup against an elected government in Ukraine.

We know, thanks to arrogant big-mouth Victoria Nuland, formerly of the State Department, that the CIA blew $5 billion on the project.

In order to make it happen, all kinds of weird right-wing militias and crypto-Nazis were used, the same kind of people that you may easily find living in Aryan Nation compounds or abandoned missile silo sites across the Western United States. Only Ukraine’s ugly tribes are heavily armed and financed, many having military uniforms and regalia, thanks to Obama and the CIA.

These ugly folks still threaten Ukraine’s internal security, including Poroshenko’s own rule and life. Poroshenko, America’s appointed seemingly-decent face of the coup, likely lives in more secret fear of these nasty groups than he does from Russia, but he can’t say that or he’d be through. So, he blubbers on about Russia to keep the plug-uglies happy, both those from outfits like the Azov Battalion and from the CIA.

The government America installed proved utterly incompetent and block-headed, trying among other things to suppress the Russian language, which is the language of nearly one-third of the nation’s residents.

Well, you can’t carry on like that without consequences. So, Russian speakers in two regions rebelled and did so successfully.

The coup-government of Ukraine proved so divided and incompetent that it failed in trying to suppress the rebellions, despite having overwhelming superiority in numbers and weapons.

The people of Crimea, who are overwhelmingly Russian-speakers and have a history as part of Russia since Catherine the Great, only being joined to Ukraine as an administrative move under the former USSR, opted for independence from Ukraine and for renewing their centuries-old ties to Russia.

Their efforts were at least as legitimate as those in Kosovo or indeed what eventually happened to East Germany, where, by the way, Mrs. Merkel grew up.

The battle in Eastern Ukraine, still going on, is kept alive by crypto-Nazi outfits like the Azov Battalion, outfits the central government cannot really control. There are other such large organizations, too, such as the Right Sector.

The incompetent central government tried hard to raise levies of men in Western Ukraine, but people there just ran away, wanting nothing to do with the army and an unnecessary war.

Of course, along the way with so many other disasters, the incompetents running Ukraine managed to shoot down a civilian airliner, MH-17, but the US stepped in and largely made the consequences disappear. Clearly, the public shock at the truth would have collapsed the infant coup government, so a couple of years later we have an American-pressured Dutch investigation which, after a record of extreme carelessness in even collecting evidence, still has solved nothing in a case which should have taken weeks.

Ukraine’s economy has done nothing but seriously decline. It cannot even pay for adequate energy supplies. And the break-away Eastern provinces have now nationalized Ukrainian industrial assets in their regions and ceased shipping coal to Ukraine.

The main lesson to be learned from all of this is that it is absolutely stupid and destructive to do what Obama did in Ukraine. I believe American officials in private actually understand that, but they do not want to be embarrassed over an admission of such complete failure and pretty much hate Putin for outplaying them in geopolitical chess.

If you recall, at the end of the Vietnam War, a truly pointless ten-year long exercise in massive brutality, American officials were so angry and embarrassed about having lost that they wouldn’t talk to the Vietnamese for years and never paid the war reparations they were obliged to pay. Immense power such as America’s comes with immense arrogance.

Obama was largely incompetent in foreign affairs, and by listening to the wrong people in Washington, he managed to kill several hundred thousand and destroy the lives of millions. The bodies produced by his policies lie rotting in Libya, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Eastern Ukraine, and a few other spots. The millions of refugees he created are huddled in temporary shelters at various locations, and their very movements in such large numbers have helped de-stabilize the EU and create waves of bad feelings against refugees in the West.

But the corporate press still treats Obama as a worthy figure. He is always in their pages and broadcasts the smiling-boy face with a good heart. That fact should tell us all something.

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