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Neo-Con Vermin Discuss Syrian War Plans At Pentagon, Set To Brief President Trump This Evening

Thursday, April 6, 2017 17:43
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(Before It's News)

I don’t ever want to hear anybody talk about Trump playing 4D chess or 1488D chess ever again in regards to the parasites surrounding him in both the White House and Pentagon.

Because unless we’re seeing the greatest act of subterfuge and trickery in the history of the White Race, Donald is cucking – and cucking hard – for the Jews and Neo-Cons on the issue of Syria.

In just one week we’ve gone from the Administration talking about promising Assad’s position as rightful ruler of Syria, to calls for his immediate removal through the use of the American military and its full but depleted arsenal.

And in just 48 hours, we’ve gone insane with calls for Russia to withdraw its diplomatic and material support for the Assad government, as well as beginning invasion plans to be put in front of the President before this night is out.

They’re even bringing out the old 2002-2003 slogans like “coalition of the willing” with this endeavor.

I’m shocked, and I’m disgusted.

I feel the taste of betrayal in my mouth, and, believe me, it’s not the greatest flavor in the world.

From RT:

President Donald Trump is being briefed on the full range of military options in Syria, after the White House blamed the government in Damascus for the alleged chemical attack that killed dozens of civilians in Idlib province.

Among the options would be using cruise missiles to attack Syrian targets and “grounding” Syrian aircraft, an unnamed US official told Reuters on Thursday. The official did not say how likely US military action would be, however.

Secretary of Defense James Mattis and National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster have been discussing the matter, the official said. Mattis is due to meet with Trump later in the day at the president’s Mar-a-Lago retreat, where a summit meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping is underway.

Speaking with reporters aboard Air Force One, Trump said that “something should happen” with Assad after the chemical attack, calling what happened in Syria “a disgrace to humanity.”

“There is no doubt in our minds, and the information we have supports, that the Syrian regime under the leadership of Bashar al-Assad are responsible for this attack,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told reporters in Florida on Thursday, adding that “there is no role for Assad” in Syria after this.

Tillerson also warned Russia that it should “consider carefully their support” for Assad.

Earlier on Thursday, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) announced he would oppose any military action without a vote in Congress.

“The President, if he decides to do something in Syria, he would come to Congress and ask for a declaration of war. Short of Congress voting on it, I’m opposed to illegal and unconstitutional wars,” Paul told Fox News radio show ‘Kilmeade and Friends’.

Senators John McCain (R-Arizona) and Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina), however, called for Trump to attack Syria.

“The United States should lead an international coalition to ground Assad’s air force,” they said in a joint statement Thursday. “This capability provides Assad a strategic advantage in his brutal slaughter of innocent civilians, both through the use of chemical weapons as well as barrel bombs, which kill far more men, women and children on a daily basis.”

Syria will be my red line in the sand – with no exceptions.

If Trump orders so much as a single cruise missile to be fired against Assad, my support will be forever gone down the garbage disposal.

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m not going to sit back and cheer like the Patriotard cuckolds back in the day.

We voted for Trump because of his Isolationist policies, and not for the chance to resurrect George W. Bush’s Jew-led crusade against random Kebab.

Donald, if you want a second term as President, STAY YOUR DAMNED HAND!


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