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Russia Issues Warning To U.S. On Syria

Thursday, April 6, 2017 18:25
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Via Reuters

Russia’s deputy U.N. envoy, Vladimir Safronkov, warned on Thursday of “negative consequences” if the United States carries out military strikes on Syria over a deadly toxic gas attack.

“We have to think about negative consequences, negative consequences, and all the responsibility if military action occurred will be on shoulders of those who initiated such doubtful and tragic enterprise,” Safronkov told reporters when asked about possible U.S. strikes.

When asked what those negative consequences could be, he said: “Look at Iraq, look at Libya.”

To be fair, the warning isn’t the “we’ll f*** you up” type and it pretty much encapsulizes my own concerns. I’m not sure what the plan is for the “day after” and I’m pretty sure the thinking is not just to fire one volley of missiles in a punitive strike. The warning is that a collapse of the Assad regime will set of an unforeseen chain of events. But, you know, maybe we should just knock it over and let the people there deal with it. I’m not sure how it is much worse than the status quo.

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