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Scandal-Ridden Scalawag Robert Bentley is Jailed & Resigns

Monday, April 10, 2017 23:52
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(Before It's News)

Alabama’s disgraced former Governor Robert Bentley (R) has resigned after being jailed for using State resources to cover up a sex scandal. ABC News reports:

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley has resigned following allegations that he used state resources to cover up an affair he was having with one of his top aides.

Bentley, 74, was booked into a Montgomery County Jail Monday on charges of failing to file a major contribution report and knowingly converting campaign contributions to personal use, according to booking information on the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office website.

It is worth looking back at this man’s record as he is forced to step down. Surely, Alabamians will remember his traitorous actions in the summer of 2015.

NBC reminds us that Turncoat Bentley spat upon the heritage and people of his State when a little bit of Leftist pressure was applied:

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley ordered the four Confederate flags on the state Capitol grounds in Montgomery to be taken down Wednesday morning, NBC News has learned.

…Bentley told that his decision came, in part, as a response to the Charleston massacre as well as to avoid drawn-out political fights over the flag.

“This is the right thing to do. We are facing some major issues in this state regarding the budget and other matters that we need to deal with,” Bentley said. “This had the potential to become a major distraction as we go forward. I have taxes to raise, we have work to do. And it was my decision that the flag needed to come down.”

So the awful traitor Bentley is gone. He went out as a criminal, a traitor to his wife as well as the Southern people. He will hopefully be remembered with all due scorn for the scumbag which he is.


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