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Support CLG News: Your Source for Deep-State Truth

Monday, April 10, 2017 11:26
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(Before It's News)

A multi-partisan activist group established to expose and resist US imperialism, corpora-terrorism, and the New World Order

Dear CLG News Readers:
CLG News  color:#222222″>has been delivering news and critical commentary for over sixteen years, news and commentary that no one else has provided.
We began in January 2001 as a news source and activist base for exposing and opposing the GW Bush regime. While other sites either folded, or acquiesced, we persisted through the entirety of Bush's tenure.
We continued under the Obama administration, delivering a needed critical perspective over the last eight years. We were well ahead of the curve in reading the writing on the Wall; for the most part, Obama represented merely a change in identity and rhetoric, not a substantive shift in policy or politics. We maintained our opposition to neocon doctrines and continued to expose its fallacies and crimes.
Now, with the election of Donald Trump, our mission is as important as ever. Given the overwhelming evidence that an agenda preexists and supersedes whatever political desiderata any new President may bring to the office, we are inaugurating yet another phase of CLG News.
color:#222222″>We are now determined to be your source for deep-state truth! And, just as a shadow government underlies the visible one, CLG News will also maintain a shadow website, This site redirects to for now, but will soon become an additional source for further in-depth reporting, analysis, and critical commentary.
CLG News is staffed by volunteers only, volunteers who believe it their duty to search for truth and provide glimpses of sanity in an insane world. To continue our mission, however, we need you.
With your help, we will continue to pay for our web hosting and database needs. We will launch the new site,, for in-depth news and analysis. And, most importantly, we will continue forgo remunerative work so that we can serve your needs for indispensable news and critical inquiry. Please help us today. Give to CLG News so that we can continue giving to you.
Here is an easy way to support CLG's work with a regular, monthly and automatic donation:
Click here  color:#222222″>( and then click on the PayPal ‘Subscribe' button. You can make a recurring donation of five, ten, fifteen, or twenty dollars, etc., per month.

You can also make a single donation to CLG News through PayPal, even if you do not have a PayPal account. PayPal takes credit cards and e-checks.

For contributors who prefer not to use PayPal, we now have a Venmo account. Our Venmo handle is @CLGNews. Click here  color:#222222″>( to establish or use your Venmo account to send CLG a donation. 
Finally, if you prefer to eschew electronic methods of donation, please mail a check or money order to: 
CLG News (CLG)
P.O. Box 1142
Bristol, CT 06011-1142

Please include a note with your email address so that we may send you a note of appreciation.
Thank you.

The CLG News team.


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