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And replace him with what? Are Americans going to die to install a different group of barbarians? This sounds a lot like the Obama policy: Do just enough to keep the war going so hundreds of thousands more die, have international conferences, etc., etc. I’ve got it, maybe we can have the Russians remove Assad’s chemical […]
I really enjoyed this most recent FAKE “false” FLAG psyop.. in 2013, Syria destroyed all of their chemical weapons.. ISIS has used gas attacks multiple times in Syria and Iraq “the latest was in MOSUL IRAQ” if we don’t count the latest SYRIA GAS ATTACK!.. but the brainless twits are still trying to tag Assad for ISIS’s latest attack!
THIS MAKES ZERO SENSE! Assad’s army has ISIS on the run, ISIS is in chaos, there was absolutely ZERO REASON OR ABILITY for Assad to gas ISIS!
WHO has the most to gain?? ISIS/TURKEY/ISRAEL/US DEEP STATE/CIA et al, but NOT Syria or Assad! Are people really stupid enough to buy this latest LIE??? How many times do they have to LIE TO YOUR FACE before you stop believing anything they have to say on any subject??