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What You Need To Look Out For With President Donald Trump!

Sunday, November 20, 2016 9:45
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(Before It's News)

What You Need To Look Out For With President Donald Trump!

BIN NOTE: If by now you haven’t figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the corrupt government, then I feel for you, but for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship.


Written by JayWill7497



In this video Luke Rudkowski talks about President Elect Donald Trump and what drove him to power. As Trump is picking his cabinet and advisers we are already seeing major geo politiical shifts all around the world before his inauguration. But there are some issues of concerns that are brought up in this video that is important.



Trump’s pick for CIA director wants Edward Snowden to face the death penalty.

“Trump has reportedly picked Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan.) to run the Central Intelligence Agency. Would sort of CIA director would Mike Pompeo be?

Well, for one thing, he thinks Edward Snowden should be executed:

That’s Pompeo speaking on C-Span’s Washington Journal this past February. His comments came in the midst of a discussion of Hillary Clinton’s emails and the Benghazi scandal. Here is a transcript of his Snowden remarks:

It’s absolutely the case that we have not been able to secure all the American information that we needed to, and that we’ve had the traitor Edward Snowden steal that information. He should be brought back from Russia and given due process, and I think the proper outcome would be that he would be given a death sentence for having put friends of mine, friends of yours, who served in the military today, at enormous risk, because of the information he stole and then released to foreign powers.”





.@realDonaldTrump appt. of Rep. Pompeo will alarm both civil libertarians and intelligence pros, putting a right-wing pol at helm of CIA.3/3




From 2006 – begin at 19:30 –



BIN NOTE: If by now you haven’t figured out that Facebook and Google are in cahoots with the corrupt government, then I feel for you, but for those who are well aware of the issues it’s high time you switched over to It is a website that is similar to Facebook but without all the censorship.


Read Also The “Swamp Things” Quiver As Trump Presidency Aims To “Drain The Swamp”!


These People Are A Danger To Themselves And Others! Wake Up!!!!!!

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