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The 2016 US Election Was ALL About MSM ‘Fake News’ and Media Conspiracies

Monday, December 12, 2016 16:53
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(Before It's News)

This video discusses the most recent US Election and how it was fought on lies and ‘fake news’ being released or not covered at all on main stream media. From ‘Rigged Elections to #pizzagate these last two years watching US politics has been a real eyeopener. Main stream media had a field day bashing and bullying Donald Trump during the election, but now that Trump will be in office soon they are fabricated lies and ‘fake news’ with pizzagate and that the CIA outing Russia and their emails and how they controlled and hacked the American voting system. Then they turn on the alt right wing media and blame Trumps election win on ‘fake news’ ie. Podesta emails, Epstein, Clinton, Lolita Express and Pedo Island, artistic cooking, etc. The only ones that are creating all the ‘fake news’ are the MSM shills working the corporate media circuit.  

On Decemeber 19th the finalizing of the 2016 US Election. The US Electoral College will vote to finalize the US Election. I also discuss Edward Snowden and his comments about the CIA and Russian Hackers as well as the recent crap going on in Turkey and how I said last Snowden say’s that the US Election computers were hacked by Russia and Trump won the election. He said that before the election the computers were set to give Hillary the election and then the Russian hackers ‘rigged’ the election for Trump.

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