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How to Survive Martial Law in an Urban Environment

Saturday, July 16, 2016 13:29
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(Before It's News)

[Bugout.newsIn normal times living in an urban environment can be a double-edged sword. Yes, there are more and better restaurants, places to shop, better work opportunities and more things to do in terms of entertainment. But there is the traffic, the crime, and the hustle-and-bustle of daily living to deal with as well. For millions of Americans, that trade-off is worth it.

Then again, none of them have had to endure – as in, survive – a widespread, enduring SHTF scenario, when basic services have collapsed and the civil society and rule of law have completely broken down. But as we have been warned time and time again, the global financial situation is shaky, and besides, our own country is heavily in debt, as our lawmakers and presidents seem incapable of financial responsibility. Such a collapse seems more and more likely in the coming years.

While no one has a crystal ball, the time to prepare for such an eventuality is now, obviously and, even if nothing happens in your lifetime, learning such urban survival skills could come in handy for any number of emergency situations.

But the following program is a comprehensive look at basic urban survival techniques – how and when to move; where to bed down for the night; using whatever you can find lying around to your advantage; how to avoid contact; what to do if you find yourself in a confrontation; how to “live off the land,” so to speak; and many other techniques.

Grab a cup of coffee, a comfortable chair and a notepad, and enjoy learning how to survive a major societal breakdown in an urban environment. Trust us – there are things in this video that you haven’t thought of, and while some things may seem a bit far-fetched to you, it’s easy to believe that you’d be challenged in ways you won’t expect.

Enjoy – and learn!

The Military has these weapons what do you have?

[JD Heyes / NewsTarget] Could martial law ever really be implemented in the United States? Would the American people, by and large, accept it, and if so, under what circumstances, and for how long?

The answers to these questions vary, of course, and in fact are purely speculative based at this point, because the last time the United States experienced it was during the Civil War, when the military (hence the term “martial”) was deployed to restore order.

But that period of time is instructive because though “times were different,” the very real national emergency created by civil conflict then would be no less dire now, meaning modern politicians and presidents would likely respond in much the same way as Abraham Lincoln did (he suspended habeas corpus, created military districts ruled by military governors, and spent money to raise military forces without congressional approval, among other actions – all of which were eventually upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court).

Martial law in modern terms

A series of articles examining this very concept in modern terms were published in December in The series posited what might happen to Americans’ civil and constitutional liberties in the event of sustained terrorist attacks around the country, similar to the jihadi-inspired shootings in San Bernardino, Calif., in November. An earlier piece in noted specifically that if war came to the U.S., the Constitution would be its first casualty:

War on American soil is not a pleasant thing to contemplate, though most don’t expect the current global conflagration that is being waged primarily by unconventional forces to manifest itself on the American continent with the same ferocity as that which defined our Civil War. But would that matter? Isn’t the precedent thus that “war” and “national emergency” and “martial law” are now defined in a manner the president decides?

A couple of Paris-style ISIS attacks in America is all it would take for this president to emulate Lincoln’s actions, albeit with far less noble intentions.

The die has been cast. The legal precedent set. And now, we have been warned.

How to handle martial law

Besides terrorism or outright civil unrest, an epidemic (Ebola or Zika virus) could also trigger martial law. Should it come to America, how would you survive it? In some ways, as noted by this infographic from the Free Thought Project, some level of martial law is already here, given the militarization of local and state police forces.

Still, things could get much worse. Here are some suggestions as to how best to handle martial law:

  • Make a bug-out plan: If you’re into the prepping/survivalist world then a martial law situation is probably “the big one” you’ve been training for. 
  • In today’s wired world, the chances are good that you’ll be warned by folks in the know, or other experts about a pending martial-law situation, so you’ll have some time to make your move. 
  • Make sure the gas tank in your vehicle is always full and you have survival gear stowed in your trunk. And make sure you know where you’re going before you leave. 
  • A friend’s home outside the city, a property of your own with provisions already in place, a rural area that you’ll share with others are good places to fall back on.
  • Learn how to use a weapon and then train with it. Also, train your family how to use them – not as a way to fight the government, but as a way to protect yourselves from the masses of displaced humanity, should martial law lead to societal collapse. 
  • Consider using a silent weapon like a crossbow for hunting purposes.
  • Keep quiet and out of sight. You’ll want to store your gear, weapons and food in a secret place that would survive a first, and even second sweep of your home by government agents or troops. You should also consider storing your supplies underground; flowerbeds and gardens make great places, as the ground is already disturbed and won’t look suspicious.
  • Be cool and don’t hassle troops or police when they come by; don’t do anything to draw attention to yourself.
  • Be careful whom you trust, especially if they’re from the government.
  • Build a safe room where you can lock yourself away from intruders and prying agents.

“Just like all disasters, martial law could happen at any time. That doesn’t mean we should live in fear, but it does mean we should take the proper steps now so we aren’t caught off guard when it goes down,” notes Survival Life.

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The Colony Show in LA vs. Colony The Game Show.

Readers should note that Hollywood Kabbalah Magick loves to plant seeds in our mind which we manifest later and for them that is part and parcel of their Black Magick Ritual; changing and manipulating our consciousness. Take for example, the TV Series The Colony and also the survival show Colony both hinting at future scenarios.

Readers should note that in this “survival game show” the scenario is one in which most of the world’s population has been affected by a viral outbreak and cities have falled into chaos and these group of few survivors must somehow survive on their own for “50 days”; that number is imporant.

Because “50 Days” is what the FEMA, DHS and NSA folks imagine is how long the few cockroaches like “Tick” can survive on their own. If you can make it past the 50 Days mark dear friends then you have made it and can probably survive and then begin to thrive eventually. And if the readers have learnt anything from the recent failed Military Coup in Turkey then they should have learnt that facts on the ground can change very quickly and people can rise up to defeat armies with guns, but not without loss of lives and other sacrifices.

Image: How to survive martial law

Make it to Day 50 and then we will see you on the other side. This game theory has been studied and Hollywood does not send such coded messages out without purpose, meaning or reason. Brace for impact and heed the warnings.


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