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Information overload? 30 bite sized facts that may come in useful

Thursday, October 20, 2016 13:34
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You pick up a lot of information these days, TV, internet, books. there’s a constant flow of news, images and info bombarding us constantly from every side. Sifting through it and finding out if something is true, or false is becoming extremely time-consuming as more and more articles are published that seem intent on swaying us in one direction or the other. Here’s a few snippets of  info, checked and sorted to save you doing the research.

It’s a fact that:

1. Bush fires travel faster uphill than down.
2. Hurricane lamps work with cooking oil.
3. Super glue will close a skin wound in an emergency.
4. Duct tape and sticks make a very decent splint.
5. Natural sponge can be used as a re-usable feminine hygiene product.
6. Drain Cleaner and bleach mixed together produce chlorine gas.
7. Wasp nest spray has a range of up to 20 feet
8. Wasp nest spray causes temporary blindness if it hits the eyes
9. Wasp nest spray and a lighter make an effective flame thrower.
10. I like wasp nest spray.
11. Plastic bags/food wrap prevent wound infection when used to cover/wrap an open wound.
12. Maggots clean infected wounds very effectively.
13. Putting large stones around a wood burner will throw heat back into the room for some hours after the fire is out.
14. Putting tinfoil behind a candle will more than double the heat and light output.
15. Putting a couple of layers of tinfoil behind a wood burner will increase the heat output.
16. A solar still will turn urine or dirty water into drinking water due to evaporation.
17. Elderberry extract has very good anti-viral properties.
18. Cloves relieve toothache.
19. Aloe Vera relieves burns.
20. Natural yogurt relieves sunburn.
21. Cinnamon has antibiotic properties and is a good mouthwash.
22. Flies spread disease. Duct tape makes effective fly paper when hung in a room.
23. Bubonic plague is carried by fleas and is still in circulation in areas such as the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
25. Different mosquitos carry different diseases, they all like standing/stagnant water.
26. Planting herbs and lavender amongst vegetables such as carrots and onions will deter smell aroused pests.
27. The favourite snack of a ladybug is green-fly.
28. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) kills snakes. One 1/4 of a tablet is enough.
29. Green skinned potatoes are poisonous eaten raw.
30. The deadly poison Ricin comes from castor beans from the castor oil plant.

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