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Union Legal Research Founder Publishes Article on the Business of Law

Sunday, April 24, 2016 6:35
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PHOENIX AZ—Kurt R. Mattson, President of Union Legal Research, has authored the article, 12 Business Lessons For Teaching The Business of Law, in the March/April 2016 issue of the AALL Spectrum with Eve Ross, Research Specialist at the McNair Law Firm in Columbia SC.

The article asks what happens when a newly minted lawyer isn’t researching law school hypotheticals anymore, but instead is in practice, researching real situations. Ross and Mattson’s article discusses a dozen lessons to consider when educating students or onboarding new attorneys.

“[A] librarian with an eye on the business side of the law firm, as well as the business side of research, can play a significant role in shaping the firm’s strategic plan—and prove to be an essential player in the overall success of the organization,” the article says. Mattson remarked that these lessons are gathered from those that Ross and he, along with other colleagues, have experienced when working with first-year associates at law firms. These lessons will help firms be more efficient and help new attorneys to assimilate to the organization more quickly and with increased productivity.

About Union Legal Research

Union Legal Research, LLC, assists law firms and other business professionals with and content and writing services for their websites, blogs, and marketing. The company also conducts legal research and other tasks for attorneys. Mattson holds a J.D. and LL.M., and will complete a Master’s in Library Science later this year. Find out more at

About the McNair Law Firm

The McNair Law Firm practices in the areas of litigation, business, legislative, governmental, administrative, and regulatory law. The firm has more than 100 attorneys in offices throughout the Carolinas. Learn more at


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