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NASA: Proof of alien life closer – Dr. Turi: Proof of ET’s already here!

Friday, April 10, 2015 15:58
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NASA: Proof of alien life closer  - Dr. Turi: Proof of ET’s already here! “Proof of alien life closer” If you listen to the words of  ”NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan” ET’s are only “microbes” and not real entities as presented by Dr. Turi who HAS the undeniable proof that Aliens are very real and very solid! 

Indeed those highly “educated’ rational souls .i.e. DeGrasse etc. who are supposed to be the experts in all affairs involving the tangible Cosmos are the least knowledgeable of its spiritual manifesto and its ET’s inhabitants.

Those unconscious souls, while well read own a very rational UCI (spiritual DNA) and can only ridicule the fact that; UFO are not the product of my, and thousands of people’s imagination. Read more  Join us Share Please. 

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