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By David Montaigne
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POLE SHIFT – US Government Prediction

Wednesday, April 15, 2015 12:00
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(Before It's News)

Three months ago I wrote an article on the pole shift topic

Pole Shift – Magnetic Poles First (Happening Now) Catastrophic Axis Shift Follows

and gave data from the US Government’s NOAA web site showing that not only has the North Magnetic Pole been racing towards Russia in recent years, but even the RATE of ACCELERATION was increasing.

New data from the NOAA just came out showing past measurements and PREDICTIONS of future positions of the pole in upcoming years.

Keeping in mind that the government data has been proven to have been overly cautious in all their previous attempts to estimate the movement of the pole – it always moves farther and faster than they have estimated by any given date – we can still see that they officially predict an accelerating movement for years to come.  The columns of numbers below represent the longitude and latitude of the Magnetic North Pole at the start of each calendar year.

251.403 80.576 1999.000
250.360 80.972 2000.000
248.992 81.427 2001.000
247.468 81.879 2002.000
245.769 82.325 2003.000
243.881 82.762 2004.000
241.782 83.186 2005.000
239.408 83.602 2006.000
236.784 83.995 2007.000
233.900 84.363 2008.000
230.751 84.702 2009.000
227.166 85.020 2010.000
222.596 85.370 2011.000
217.521 85.676 2012.000
211.982 85.933 2013.000
206.059 86.138 2014.000
199.975 86.289 2015.000
193.710 86.395 2016.000
187.413 86.455 2017.000
181.245 86.471 2018.000
175.346 86.448 2019.000

Notice the magnetic pole passes 180 degrees (switches hemispheres) by 2019.



Notice only 1.043 degrees of longitude change and 0.396 degrees of latitude change from 1999-2000

251.403 80.576 1999.000
250.360 80.972 2000.000

By 2015 this has changed to 6.084 degrees of longitude change.  Roughly six times the longitude change per year just since 2000, which was already more than it had been before that.

206.059 86.138 2014.000
199.975 86.289 2015.000


It gets even worse by 2019.  The table gives no data beyond January 1, 2020.  Which is interesting to me – it could have been arbitrary, but all my research indicates that the magnetic pole shift will enable a rotational pole shift (the Earth’s axis will shift) and that this will occur from December 21-28, 2019.  My expectation is far worse than the relative tame guesstimates the NOAA is posting, but I think the evidence I provide backs up my conclusions.

For even more info on the coming pole shift, check out my recent articles and books:

The History and Truth About Pole Shifts

End Times and 2019: The End of the Mayan Calendar and the Countdown to Judgment Day

Antichrist 2016-2019

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Total 19 comments
  • DRUUUUUUUUGGGGGGSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Bring me the HEAD of the Foul named The Clucker!
      We cannot consume the body of The Clucker because of ALL of the DDRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGSSSSSSSSSSSSS the stupid foul has consumed all these years!
      For The Clucker sucks for the white-skinned mangod club!
      The HEAD SUCKER!
      The Clucker!

      • Leave Clucker alone CK you “man bear pig”

        He’s protected by the 12 monkeys.

        You have no power here.

      • I’ll pray for you..

      • Yes he is certainly a man-bear-pig. I’m super serial. Since I am under the protection of the 12 Monkeys, and the world is gonna end soon anyway why not just do a bunch of coke off of a strippers a$s?

      • Just so you know, NCA, Groucho Glueboot is the Clucker’s demented alter ego. Like Gus said, “We rule Barter Town.

      • Methane cometh from pig shi…….

      • You christo-CREEPS do NOT even rule your own minds!
        Forget about your new delusion of ruling this site!
        I DO NOT BARTER with you christo-DOGS, DO I?

        I DO NOT DO ANY BUSINESS AT ALL WITH ANY christo-CREEP that id’s itself as such in Real Life!
        Starve the judeo-christo-CREEP, AND Save the world!!!!


        Chris quote: “I DO NOT BARTER with you christo-DOGS, DO I?”

        No I’d say you are more of a defeated beggar. The kind that would send private emails with no valid return address begging his truthful detractors to stop stepping all over his crayons.

        Why don’t you beg a little bit for me Piggy?

      • All rise and sing hymn number 666

        Onward Christian fear porn

      • What do aliens have to say about this?
        “CONVERSATION WITH ALIENS” Just Released!
        Find out what they want you to know and what they don’t want you to find out!

  • Magnetic pole shift and physical pole shift are entirely different things. Physical pole shift does not follow the magnetic pole shift.

  • Will there be free beer?????????????????

  • Pix

    “Pole Shift – Magnetic Poles First (Happening Now) Catastrophic Axis Shift Follows
    and gave data from the US Government’s NOAA web site showing that not only has the North Magnetic Pole been racing towards Russia in recent years, but even the RATE of ACCELERATION was increasing.”

    Both magnetic poles are currently moving towards each other.

    The Axis cannot shift without an external force being applied to it. Eg a massive asteroid impact, in which case it’s nothing we should worry about, because such sudden changes would destroy all life on Earth. We are travelling at great speed, like if you were in a very fast moving car, if it suddenly changed direction you would carry on travelling in the original direction… splat.


  • pole shift? :eek:

    Germans not invaded Poland again have they :shock:

    Hold on clucker… I need drugs too… marching powder :lol:

    • I will provide the drugs then we will defect from base and just say phuck the war to get all coked up in the woods.

      • Ya know for about 25 years now I`ve been hearing about this pole shift… you have to question if its even going to happen in our lifetime.

        in geological terms its soon but not my main concern… oh crap I said conCERN… four fear porn buzz letters here :lol:

  • Ok let’s use Common sense here . What is causing volcanos to erupt all over the world . Not just one or 2 but many . What is causing 6 or greater magnitude earthquakes all over the world . Yellowstone a super volcano is now becoming active threatening to destroy America . Storms have increased in size destroying towns . Mass snow storms up to 8 ft. Of snow . Hail the size of softballs . Mass groups of fish dying . Tsunamis breaking loose into many countries around the world . Climate change will not do all this . Especially volcanos erupting . So what is causing all this ? When you answer this then you will realize that something is diffently going on . Maybe this guy is on to something !

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