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26 Oct 15
LOTS of provocative theories, discoveries and ‘facts’ in these interesting videos.
A couple of recent stories of intrique have been a company called Clear Foods claiming they found human DNA in a small sample of hotdogs, and a chimera genome story, where it was claimed a man’s genetic father was none other than his twin brother, who died in the womb. Such stories seem to be a glimpse of something much bigger going on in the world today. And does it have prophetic insight into what the Bible has predicted? I argue, yes! According to the Book of Revelation, there are those who will worship the beast, take the mark, who will not have their names written in the book of life from the foundation of the world. These “people,” who are nonredeemable, can only be understood as, non-human in the sight of God.
A magnitude 7.5 quake centered in the Hindu Kush region of northeastern Afghanistan struck this morning. Also: Shia Muslims cut themselves for Ashura, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem says there has always been a mosque on the Temple Mount, and a look a ghosts as we approach Halloween.
“Wait … What! Human DNA in Hot Dogs?”
Yeah, you’re a disgusting lot who don’t wash their hands after going to the toilet. And that’s being generous in assuming it’s an accident. It does not mean human hybrid gmo in the hotdogs, it meas human spit, poo, pee, hair etc.