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Chile Helicopter UFO – Official UFO’s are like my predictions, Undeniable!

Sunday, January 15, 2017 19:12
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(Before It's News)

Chile Helicopter UFO incredible video – Official UFO’s are like my predictions, UNDENIABLE! Predictions Published July 2016 – Memo from 
Uranus Lord of Explosive Future Rules
Never Seen Before, Impossible Becomes Real
Nature Cosmos Rebels Speak God Shocking Will
New God King Born Lost Children ****Space Brothers Hearts Join****
Children Shocking news / extraordinary / nukes / ****UFO’s**** / impossible / unimaginable / unbelievable / discovery / tremors / fires / volcanoes / earthquakes / Tsunami / earth changes / tornadoes / cosmos / scientific discovery / televisions / technology / humanitarianism / astrology / the very old / the very new.

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Total 1 comment
  • Well, at least you’re not digging up 12 yo dead girls to try to prove your BS.
    You are not a prophet.
    You are not a cosmic fish.
    You ARE a pos con-man, fraud, and charlatan.

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