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By Jeffery Pritchett
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Live Stream! Donald Trump’s News Conference 11 A.M. Eastern : What You Need To Know

Wednesday, January 11, 2017 3:58
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(Before It's News)

President-elect Donald Trump at his last news conference

President-elect Donald Trump at his last news conference on July 27, 2016. (Photo: Evan Vucci, AP)

This list of information about the conference is from which of course hold their own views and perceptions which do not always match mine or yours I presume.
Donald Trump originally said he would conduct his first news conference as president-elect on Dec. 15, about five weeks after he won the election over Democrat Hillary Clinton. Then he called off the event and said it would be later. Now it’s on for Jan. 11 in New York. There will be a lot to talk about.What time will it be?
What time will it be?

Trump and his transition team say the news conference will be at 11 a.m. Eastern time on Wednesday.

Where will it be? 

At Trump Tower in New York. That’s where Trump has conducted most of his meetings with potential Cabinet and administration appointees and other figures since becoming president-elect.

What’s on the agenda?

It’s more like what ISN’T on the agenda. Since Nov. 8, Trump has made a variety of statements, either in person or via his Twitter account — @realDonaldTrump — about what he plans to do when he takes office on Jan. 20. Reporters are expected to ask questions about Trump’s plans to repeal and/or replace the Affordable Care Act, the Senate hearings for his Cabinet appointees, his appointment of his son-in-law Jared Kushner as a top White House adviser and most likely whatever the president-elect tweets about Wednesday morning. Also guaranteed to come up is Tuesday evening’s report by CNN that intelligence chiefs advised Trump last week of Russian attempts to target him, including potential blackmail.

What about Trump’s business?

The main topic of the canceled Dec. 15 news conference was Trump’s plan to step away from the Trump Organization, the real estate and hospitality empire that threatens to create an immediate series of conflicts of interest once he takes the oath of office. He has issued a series of contradictory statements about his plans, which seem to center on his intention to turn his business over to his children, Donald Jr. and Eric. That’s not a blind trust, which most presidents have created to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest with any decisions they made as president.

When was his last news conference?

Trump gave his last news conference on July 27. That’s when he said he made a series of incorrect and unsubstantiated claims, including that Clinton had destroyed official emails after being subpoenaed by Congress and that many people saw guns and bombs lying on the floor of an apartment rented by the man and woman responsible for a Dec. 2, 2015, terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., that left 14 people dead and 22 wounded says Ray Locker at USA Today the author of this information about the event.

No president-elect in the modern era has waited so long to hold a formal news conference, although Trump has answered questions from reporters in informal settings, including over the holiday break at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Fla.

Check out more contributions by Jeffery Pritchett ranging from UFO to Bigfoot to Paranormal to Prophecy



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Total 36 comments
  • Okay Jeff,
    you can’t just throw that out there, you’re going to have to provide evidence of what you wrote; “Trump gave his last news conference on July 27. That’s when Trump gave his last news conference on July 27. “THAT’S WHEN HE SAID HE MADE A SERIES OF INCORRECT AND UNSUBSTANTIATED CLAIMS,” including that Clinton had destroyed official emails after being subpoenaed by Congress and that many people saw guns and bombs lying on the floor of an apartment rented by the man and woman responsible for a Dec. 2, 2015, terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., that left 14 people dead and 22 wounded. and that many people saw guns and bombs lying on the floor of an apartment rented by the man and woman responsible for a Dec. 2, 2015, terrorist attack in San Bernardino, Calif., that left 14 people dead and 22 wounded.”

    I could be wrong, but to my knowledge Trump has never made any such public mea culpa. The opposing party would of course loved that, however I suspect it’s just another steaming pile of misinformation or new progressive talking point that you’re attempting to forward. I know that this type of hit would have been all over the MSM phony news. To my recolection I can’t recall seeing anything that even resembled this Trump admission. has and article entitled: “Trump’s Press Conference” about the July 27, 2016 press conference.

    In that piece they contend that Donald Trump made several false and misleading statements in an hour-long press conference — on Bernie Sanders, Vladimir Putin, Hillary Clinton’s emails and more. Two of the misleading statements that mentions appear to contradict what you’ve written. They say that:

    1. Trump claimed with no evidence that Hillary Clinton deleted emails from her private server “after she gets a subpoena” from Congress.

    2. There’s also no evidence for Trump’s repeated claim that “many people” saw or knew about “bombs lying all over the floor” of the San Bernardino shooters’ home and didn’t report it.

    It doesn’t appear that Trump admitted to what you say he has. Prove me wrong bro, let’s see a video clip of this so called press release where Trump himself made the confession you’ve reported as fact. As they say, put up or shut up! I’m so tired of the ethically challenged consistently trying to insult our collective intelligence with verifiable inaccuracy. I hope this was a simple typo, error or misprint and you weren’t really trying to deceive your readers. We’ll be waiting for that video or a retraction bro. Without either any remaining credibility you have will be history.

    A Student of the Word

    • That is an excerpt from USA Today which is the source listed on the bottom of the article. I will have to make that more plain up top.

      As for me I do not trust any of the leaders in the left or right. They are all untrustworthy and I don’t feel like any of them would piss on me if I was on fire.

      The left right paradigm is another mechanism put in place by maniacs to divide us like they do with race and sex and everything else. I think the way people treat left right is like one of them is there favorite sports team. I don’t even like the middle either to be honest.

      The only thing your post has done is made me decide to make it more clear that this list for the conference is from I will do that now. Thank you for your response.

      • Right on Jeff. The Bipartisan system has failed us entirely and it’s good to see a contributor around here recognize that instead of championing the left or right. They both take money from the same “lobby” groups. Lobbyists give politicians and political causes money as if it is some sort of donation, but the group/person receiving the money almost always sides with the donors of said money.

        Lobbying is just a politically correct term for a bribe. Let’s just call it what it is. It’s bribery. The term has for a spell, and still is fooling the masses, but if you give someone money to make sure certain legislation passes… it’s a bribe. They had to give the word a PC term just to make us think it was acceptable. Huh. Fek that. A bribe is a bribe, issues are still issues, and crap is still crap.

        • For fun, look up how many politicians have accepted money from the Israel lobby.

    • PS As for a retraction lmao it will be a long cold day in hell.

      Honestly it sounds like to me that you could use more fiber in your diet.

      • I am apolitical so I totally agree with your dialog pertaining to all political parties, however the second response about the retraction is in my opinion childishly inappropriate. If you write something or support it through circulating it and it is later proven wrong as a journalist you should want to make the correction. That established trust. Sure you didn’t writhe the original article but you put it out there and represented it as fact. Now either you made an honest mistake and like a man you’ll admit your error as not to stumble others or your you’ll pridefully stick to your guns and be a boldfaced liar. Which is it Jeff? It’s a little late to redirect blame on the MSM source! If we see no retraction, well it will be a cold day in hell when anyone believes anything you offer without employing incredible scrutiny and distrust.

        You shoot yourself in the foot,


        • Anonymous you can think whatever you like about me quite frankly you aren’t important enough to me for me to care one way or another. Nor do you have any authority here at all to make any difference in my life one way or another. ha ha ha laughing that you think you do. lmao

          • Jeff, you’re wrong bro. I don’t think anything about you. I don’t know you from Mr. Magoo, other than the fact you can be a real smart ass with little provocation. What I commented on was your unprofessional behavior in regard to journalistic error and your flip response to it. You’re obviously too immature to understand the difference. As far as my importance I am just a reader, I claim to be nothing more. The thing you should remember is that without readers such as myself who exactly is going to read what you devote your valuable time authoring? You’ve made it perfectly clear that truth isn’t that important to you so what person in their right mind would ever rely on what you offer?

            Conversation over!


          • Bye Bye Anonymous..

            Good riddance. Blows a kiss.

          • mitch51

            Why don’t you tell him the truth, that BINNERLAND is nothing but a fake news site. I just can’t conceive of anyone who is capable of critical thinking believing any of this stuff. Jeffrey, I think you’re innocent here.

          • Jeff
            how rude, that’s 2 fewer readers – not that you care right?

          • Mitch has deemed this case Not Guilty by the court of Mitchland!

            So I am just and pure with righteousness.

            You see Andy Mitch is omnipotent.

            Of course I would not like to lose any readers but if I have to lose one for telling anonymous he needs more fiber in his diet then so be it. Specially after 2 other commenters here have said he needs to lighten up.

          • ASOTW, people have stopped paying attention to your comments here for a reason. You like to come off very abrasively, then when called out you fall back on your “humble” card as if your previous comment just disappeared into the eather.

            You are insanely passive aggressive. You only pretend to be humble when someone calls you out on being a dick. If you have so much shit to say then maybe you can just post your own articles. Jeff posts many interesting things that I read. I don’t always think they are true or agree with with, but that’s fine. If you can do so much better than put up or shut up, and I haven’t seen you do either yet.

          • *then. Not “than.” Sorry for doubling the word “with” also. fml

          • All Hail The Clucker! I’ve never seen so many commenters take up for me.

            Faints.. lol Its a New Year Indeed.

    • “..any remaining credibility you have will be history.”

      That’s a bit rough isn’t it.. especially when you should know that this came from USA TODAY, and not written by Jeffery. He’s really just providing the live stream venue for people here,, pretty nice, actually.. unfortunately the article came with it. heh..

      ..and if you read the original USA TODAY article, you see that it links to the fact check you mention.. So, this is a bizarre bit of writing on the part of Ray Locker at USA TODAY.

      Maybe you should take this up with him, instead.

      • By the way, Jeffery..

        Sorry, didn’t know you had already responded here, didn’t mean to act as a follow up. But for Student’s benefit, here’s the original, and the linked fact check..

      • Thank you Rain. You always seem to represent an aura of positiveness with the way you conduct yourself in comments.

        Ole Student of the Word says positive feedback sometimes but other times apparently brings out the knives of Judas. I have to deal with a lot of weird bi polar crap like that in the comments. I even had a serial killer sending me love letters at my personal website from here who got mad about something I posted. lol

        I think we need a William Wallace Braveheart situation in America when it comes to our current leadership and future leadership.

        Now all I need is someone that goes around saying, “This is my Island!” =) I don’t think any of these government people care about me only about themselves while they tell you about the virtues of Jesus whilst taking a piss on you at the same time.

        Rain I hope you will check out my show just had Peter Levenda on about Lovecraft and Friday the author who wrote the book that inspired the movie The Bye Bye Man. Joe R. Lansdale coming in Spring! Ever seen Bubba Hoe Tep with Bruce Campbell? He wrote it take care.

      • Jeff forwarded this inaccuracy offering it as fact. That willful action makes him complicit, or an active participant in that lie. Just because he didn’t make up the lie himself doesn’t mean if he repeats it he’s not a liar. That logic is totally absurd! You can try to justify his behavior, however this type of sleazy journalism is precisely why the public has pulled away from mainstream media. We readers seek and demand truth not just another mouthful of misinformation.


        • Looks like someone missed their bible study this morning and is having trouble at home. I find it hypocritical because the person you are defending has been caught up in so many lies he’s broke the fact checker machine. lol More hypocrisy from a nutter butter.

          • That’s a totally wrong and awfully self serving assumption. I am not defending Donald Trump or anyone else for that matter. I am however defending a thing called TRUTH. You remember what that is, right? You seem to be real comfortable being a liar, if you’re cool with it, so be it. It is of no consequence to me. I’m not your mother or your advisor, I’m just one of your ex-patrons that was trying to provide some positive criticism. After our initial interaction I truly wanted you to succeed. As many times as I have defended you in the past one would think you’d recognize what I was trying to accomplish in asking for the retraction. It was hardly for my own benefit. What an arrogant jerk!

          • Does someone hear a little bird here somewhere? tweet tweet

          • “Student you might wanna look up what the bible says about being mean to people and judging people so quickly.”

            Jeff that’s a huge problem. You get all butthurt whenever someone disagrees with you. We discussed this in the past and believed we had moved beyond your prideful limitations. You need to stop being so soft skinned. This tendency while placing you in a defensive posture hinders productive interchange. Bro if you aspire to be a real journalist you will have to learn to accept others opinions on what you’ve authored. If you can’t get past this I promise bro you’ve sealed your own fate. I hate to see it happen but it’s your choice, I’ve tried to help but your resentment has become downright offensive. You can rest assured you will get no more input from me, nor will you appreciate the many referrals to your posts I have so often made.



          • Little bird even Rain said you were being extreme perhaps you should learn some compassion and humility. I make mistakes all the time I’m a constant F up. Hell I’ll be the first to tell anyone that. You do what you gotta do but I personally think you are over reacting. You are going nuts over something someone else wrote that you disagree with and attacking me for it. I personally don’t know enough about the info mentioned to judge it at all. And barely noticed it to begin with because I just woke up and it was early in the morning. I’m getting sick and tired of the way a lot of you treat contributors here. Its disgusting. I even added extra source links and a fact checker link to try to bring peace to it. But that wasn’t good enough was it? Sounds like a pride problem to me.

        • haha.. still sounds overblown. This is BIN. Contributors tend to reprint articles. (NO! Really?)

          ..and yeah, I often call them out for it.. however, I always go to the source, and attack the source instead. But if it’ll make you feel any better..

          Hey Jeffery!! you LYIN’ sack o’ (insert own expletive, I’m not allowed to curse on BIN)
          SHAME, MAN! you disgust me, Jeffery.. You deceiver!!

          Everybody feel good now?

          • lol Rain if I thought I was what everyone thought about me on BIN I’d be a Reptilian Illuminaughty Satanist pedorest shill spook libtard blah blah blah lol People sure do like to judge the hell outta folks right fast sometimes here that is for sure. And then they’ll brag about reading the bible like ole Student of the Word does. Student you might wanna look up what the bible says about being mean to people and judging people so quickly.

          • heh, should read, “OFTEN” attack the source instead.. unless it’s Dave, or Veil, or Jay, or…

            I like to rip them instead. haha..

          • ..but I will say this, Student.. I frequently read your comment contributions, and I do so because your words are insightful and inspired on many an occasion..

            Thoughtful, intelligent.. I actually do respect you for what you do here.

            So thanks for all you contribute, if not enlightening, it is at least entertaining.

            seriously, RAIN

          • one last thing..

            Jeffery, you know I’ve been around these parts a long time and we’ve both seen it all, it seems..

            YOU are one of my favorites here. Of course you know I don’t agree with everything, but you sure do provide a lot of fun reads.. and some of them are really spectacular, so thanks to you too.

            Now, I have to go find another cauldron to stir.. but i do it out of love.. love for BIN. haha! keep crankin’

          • Thanks Rain you are definitely one of the good ones and I’d listen to you over crazy pants here. I mean to come at me with my career is over blah blah retraction blah blah its just ridiculously insane. A lot of people here don’t like me because I fight back. A lot of people here love me because I do. Now I’m talking to this very hot lady friend tattoo artist who is visiting me soon. So gotta jet. Howls take care

  • In light of recent claims that have surfaced over the last twelve hours or so, I suspect most of the news conference will centralize around Trump attempting to dismiss documents recently submitted to Wikileaks (supposedly) by Russian operatives that (supposedly) contain compromising information about him and indicate his ties to Russia go deeper than previously suspected. The rest of the issues you mentioned are likely to be secondary at this point.

    • **Note that the documents that were submitted—like most of the information that stems from Wikileaks—are at present unverified.

      • Man

        when it is about trump. it isn’t true. Anything else is 100% fact :)

        but i think i will announce that he can’t force mexico to pay for a wall

    • John McCain confessed to this treasonist act.

  • Trump just ended CNN. At his press conference he refused to answer any questions from CNN calling them fake news on national TV.

  • mitch51

    When I see, “Live Stream” now and think of Trump, I laugh my ass off!!!

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