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Part one by Paul Craig Roberts
“The U.S. intelligence community’s extraordinary campaign of leaks claiming improper ties between President Trump’s team and Russia seeks to ensure a lucrative New Cold War by blocking detente.” — Gareth Porter
It only required 24 days for the Deep State to castrate President Donald Trump and terminate the promise that the high tensions with Russia created during the Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes would be terminated by Trump’s presidency.
Obama’s CIA director, John Brennan, planted fake reports, none of which contained any evidence whatsoever, on the CIA-compliant media whores known as “presstitutes.” The CIA’s media whores knew that the reports were a CIA response to the threat to the $1,000 billion annual budget of the military/security complex that desperately needs “the Russian threat” for its justification. But the media whores—-principally the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC—-and all the rest as well are more dedicated to serving their CIA master than they are to serving peace between nuclear powers. Interesting, isn’t it, that the US and Western media are more committed to conflict with Russia than they are to peace, despite the brutal fact that 10 percent of the nuclear arsenal of either the US or Russia is sufficient to terminate all life on earth.
Trump’s presidency is effectively over. Even if he is permitted to remain in office,
he will be a figurehead for the Deep State’s presidency. President Trump has already fallen into line with the military/security complex. He has said Russia has to return Crimea to Ukraine, whereas in fact Crimea returned itself to Russia. He has rejected a new strategic arms limitations treaty (START) with Russia, stating that he wants supremacy in nuclear armaments, not equality.
Putin is routinely called a “thug,” “murderer,” “the new Hitler” by US politicians, presstitutes, and the Democratic Party’s candidate in the recent presidential election. Ranking US generals describe Russia as the “principal threat to the US.” NATO commanders assert that the Russian Army could occupy the Baltics and/or Poland at any moment. These nonsensical accusations and predictions suggest to the Russians that the West is preparing its populations for an attack on Russia.
In such a tense state of affairs, how will false alarms be interpreted? Will Americans convinced that Putin and Russia are evil incarnate believe the false alarms this time? Will Russians convinced that they have been set up for attack believe them this time?
This is the extreme risk to which the insane neoconservatives, the idiot liberal-progressive-left, the greedy military/security complex, and the aggressive generals have exposed life on earth.
And the few voices warning of the risk are dismissed as “Russian agents.”
END OF Paul Craig Roberts ARTICLE
“Part two with eyes wide open”
Matt 13:15 For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.
The demented behavior that condones murder, theft and the destruction of others represents a phenomenon known as the nation state exceptionalism syndrome.
The unprecedented crimes against humanity that occurs around the world is deplorable. The Zionist Master Plan for World Domination that is at the heart of this chaos through a continual barrage of bloodshed and war must certainly be exposed.
The elite rothschild zionist cartel along with their many puppets, need to be exposed and held accountable for their crimes against humanity. As well, God is not partner to the judeo-christian deceivers in the false church, and their many followers who are apathetic towards this iniquity.
America is the strong arm of Israel (aka, the Great Whore), and as such has destroyed millions of lives and ruined much of the civilized world in the process.
The identity of the Great Whore is revealed through observing how she interacts with those around her. Her leaders are like unto wolves that devour their prey. These people use oppression on the poor and those in need, and they are without compassion. They take what is not rightfully theirs, and with great cruelty trample down those around them unnecessarily. They are also quick to shed blood and love dishonest gain which is covetousness. They are guilty of breaking all of the commandments of Moses and worthy of God’s wrath (Ezek 22:24-30).
These crimes against humanity, as recorded in Ezekiel chapter twenty two describe the characteristics of the modern day nation of Israel.
Ezek 22:31 Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have I recompensed upon their heads, saith the Lord GOD.
Pour out my indignation and consume with the fire of my wrath, may be a better translation of the message in Ezek 22:31. The words therefore, and have I, are added, and suggest that this wrath has already been performed.
The identities of the last kings or rulers who are a part of the final coalition that comes against this Great whore and her allies, remains to be seen. But God will put it into their hearts to fulfill his will, and at their hands this Whore shall be destroyed (Rev 17:17).
Rev 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
The Word of God tells us that these kings or rulers will give their kingdom unto the beast (Rev 17:17). It is our belief that these kings are about to step on to the world stage very soon.
When Mystery Babylon is revealed, Satan will introduce to the world his false Christ, and false prophet of deception. This is a representation of The Unholy Trinity, Satan the Beast and the false prophet. The Bible verse that will pertain to a powerful group of world leaders, ready to be revealed is found in Revelation Chapter seventeen. You will find it later on in this article.
Few ever shed a tear over the incredibly horrific crimes against humanity carried out by the financial and military hit men subservient to the great whore. Many within the church today have adopted a slogan of ”Love God and Love people”. An unbelieving world must see this as an oxymoron. A church that does not stand up against the crimes against humanity such as the murder of innocent people in Iraq and Syria for example, does not stand for anything at all.
Matt 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
Jesus commandment was ”Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Mat 22:39). The countless members of the U.S. and Israeli military machines that claim to serve their country are brainwashed or under an incredibly powerful spell. The only interests that they serve are those of a ruthless and diabolical killing machine. Crimes against humanity are not excusable because of the excuse “I’m just doing my job”.
As a side note, America has only been at peace for approximately 20 years since her birth.
We need not look farther than Palestine, Iraq or Syria to discover recent real world examples of blatant terrorism, which also represents crimes against humanity. None of these peoples were or are a threat to a legitimate Israel, and yet the war crimes against them by the satanic military forces that are subservient to the zionist cause go unpunished. Wrong is now right, in the eyes of a people gone mad. Can a righteous God not judge these nations? If He does not, Sodom and Gomorrah need a blanket pardon.
The Judeo-Christian teachers are in part responsible for the great christian persecution that is coming, as they encourage their congregations to honor imposters residing in Israel as God’s Chosen people.
Because of their support of this wicked and destructive nation and its leaders, the fraudulent portion of the Christian church will be found guilty and complicit in these crimes against humanity.
The false house of Judah, represents in part, those brainwashed by a religion known as judaism. In large part the doctrines of this religion represent babylonian talmudism. The converts within this cult have a judaistic ideology wherein they are the chosen ones, and all others are here but to serve their cabalistic desires.
Jerusalem and the idolatrous house of Judah that was without the Lord God was declared desolate (Math 23:37-38; Luke 13:35). It would remain desolate until the return of Christ who will bring in everlasting righteousness and heal the land (Rev 11:1-15; Dan 9:24-27; 2 Ch 7:14).
This people and their religion were contrary to God and man (Lev 26:21-28; Rom 16:17; 1 Thes 2:15-16).
The Identity of the Great Whore is revealed through…