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By Jeffery Pritchett
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The Trump Admin Was Just Rocked By Another Top Resignation – Not Good! (Video)

Saturday, March 25, 2017 3:22
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Andrew Kerr for Western Journalism reports, A senior member of the Trump administration’s transition team for the Environmental Protection Agency unexpectedly resigned last Wednesday, citing concerns of the “integrity” of long time workers at the agency.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in December 1970 under United States President Richard Nixon. The EPA is an agency of the United States federal government whose mission is to protect human and environmental health.

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Total 12 comments
  • elite killer


  • raburgeson

    Yes the cause is they have been bought by the illegal monopolies. Tear up the resignastion and drain the swamp, fire the lot.

    • I sure agree. Fire them all and start new.

  • it is actually our responsibility to maintain a healthy environment for today and future generations, maybe she worried about a major oil spill along the keystone pipeline or somewhere else where an industrial or environmental accident or something just waiting to happen :mad:

  • Until Trump cleans house of Obama’s left overs we are not going to make any headway. He needs to get rid of all of obama’s people until he does, nothing much is going to change. He’s a smart man don’t know why he is not doing this…

  • Obama/Soro’s Shadow Gov’t. set up “alt” twitter & facebook accounts for each dept.; They even use the official logos for their respective dept.’s, which seems illegal. A few days ago, a female EPA mgr. sent a letter to POTUS, complaining that actions taken would harm our water supply… then posted it to brag on the alt_EPA FB account.

    In her brag, she included #resist….. So I tweeted her & asked if being involved with #resist while employed in a gov’t. job would be considered Sedition…. she replied NO.

    All these alt sites need to be shut down asap. Some are barely used.. others are very active.

    • mitch51

      This site should be included in that. But these comments are so fun to read, I hope that will never happen. All of the articles posted pretty much suck, but the comments are always great!

  • Swamp is not being drained. What do they expect? We have seen this for years.

  • jdp…Perhaps this is just a way of saying we dpn’t need an EPA to the extent it is so drain the swamp by 60-70 percent, then thoise left will wake up or the too will be gone. Its to bad the sec decided to quit, one must ask why did he even accept the job or is it he can’t lead a bunch of obama leftovers.

  • jdp…Its not a real big deal, just will take more time to clean house, find another to replace the currect director, who ever replaces must set the tone you all work for me I work for Trump if ya don’y like that then move on resign or earily rerttirement. period one by one you will report to me the project your on and its status, I may reasign duties.

  • Boo

    Why would he leave…shouldn’t he have asked those who were making it difficult at the EPA to resign? Not sure why he wouldn’t just send out the pink slips.

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